Chowder Season 1 Episode 30
Season 1

Ep 30. The Rat Sandwich

  • June 19, 2008

Chowder season 1 episode 30, titled "The Rat Sandwich," follows the adventures of Chowder, a young apprentice to the eccentric chef Mung Daal. In this episode, the catering crew is preparing for a big event at the king's palace, but they are short on food supplies. Just when they are about to give up hope, a friendly rat named Eddie appears and offers to lead them to a secret underground market where they can purchase exotic and valuable ingredients.

As they venture through the winding tunnels, Chowder and the crew encounter various strange creatures and obstacles, including a spooky ghost and a giant mountain of cheese. However, they persevere and finally make it to the market, where they are amazed by the variety and quality of the goods for sale. Eddie helps them navigate the bustling stalls and even assists with haggling for better prices.

But when it comes time to leave, Eddie disappears and the crew realizes that he has stolen their money and fled with their precious ingredients. They begin to frantically search for him, navigating the confusing tunnels once again and narrowly avoiding dangerous traps and obstacles.

Eventually, they catch up with Eddie and demand that he return their belongings. However, Eddie reveals that he was only stealing in order to support his family of rats, who were starving and in desperate need of food. Touched by his plight, Chowder and the crew decide to share their supplies and help Eddie and his family.

In the end, the catering crew returns to the palace with their new ingredients, and the event is a huge success. Chowder learns a valuable lesson about compassion and empathy, and the crew gains a new ally in the kind-hearted Eddie. "The Rat Sandwich" is a heartwarming and adventurous episode that showcases the creativity and charm of the Chowder universe.

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  • First Aired
    June 19, 2008
  • Language