Ep 2. Episode 2
Chicago Typewriter is a Korean drama series that takes place in two timelines, one set during the Japanese occupation of Korea and the other in present day. The show revolves around three main characters - a talented writer named Han Se-joo, his passionate fan and ghostwriter named Jeon Seol, and a mysterious man named Yoo Jin-oh. In this episode, the story continues as the three characters come closer together and unravel more secrets from the past.
The episode opens with Han Se-joo waking up from a nightmare that seems to have left him deeply disturbed. Meanwhile, Jeon Seol is busy with her work as a part-time delivery person, trying to make ends meet. She receives a call from Han Se-joo who wants to meet her in person. As she rushes to his home, she reflects on her own feelings towards the writer and wonders whether her passion for him is just a result of her eagerness to find a hero in this world.
At Han Se-joo's home, the writer is struggling to find inspiration for his next book. He turns to Yoo Jin-oh, the mysterious man who has been haunting him ever since he purchased an antique typewriter, for help. Yoo Jin-oh seems to have a supernatural ability to connect with Han Se-joo and help him write better, but his presence also raises more questions about his identity and purpose.
As the three characters interact, we also get a glimpse into the past through flashbacks. We see a young Han Se-joo as a resistance fighter during the Japanese occupation, a brave and fearless man who was willing to risk his life for his country. We also see Jeon Seol in her previous life, as a female fighter pilot named Ryu Soo-hyun, who had a close relationship with Han Se-joo. Through these flashbacks, we begin to understand the deep connection between the characters and the role they played in each other's lives.
Back in the present, Jeon Seol is surprised to find out that Han Se-joo has been suffering from nightmares about his past life. He confides in her about his doubts and fears, revealing that he may not be as brave as he once was. Jeon Seol tries to reassure him that he is still a hero in her eyes, and that his past experiences have only made him stronger.
Meanwhile, Yoo Jin-oh continues to offer his support and advice to Han Se-joo, but his true intentions remain unclear. He seems to have his own agenda, and Han Se-joo is not sure whether he can trust him completely. This tension between the characters adds to the intrigue of the show, as we wonder what Yoo Jin-oh's true motives are and what secrets he might be hiding.
As the episode comes to a close, the characters are faced with new challenges and obstacles. Han Se-joo must confront his own demons and find the courage to write again, while Jeon Seol deals with an unexpected visitor from her past. Yoo Jin-oh, on the other hand, seems to be getting more involved in Han Se-joo's life, as he helps him uncover a hidden message in one of his previous novels.
Chicago Typewriter is a captivating drama that combines history, romance, and mystery in a unique and compelling way. The characters are well-developed and the story is full of twists and turns that keep viewers on the edge of their seats. This episode is no exception, as it builds on the momentum of the previous episode and sets the stage for even more thrilling developments in the future.