Cheyenne Season 5 Episode 13
Season 5

Ep 13. The Greater Glory

  • TVG
  • April 23, 1961
  • 8.5  (70)

Cheyenne season 5 episode 13, titled "The Greater Glory," follows the titular character as he travels to a small town to visit an old friend who has just been appointed the new sheriff. However, when Cheyenne arrives, he finds the town in chaos as a group of bandits have taken it over and are terrorizing the citizens.

As Cheyenne tries to figure out a way to help his friend and the town, he comes across a group of Mexican rebels who are also fighting against the bandits. Together, Cheyenne, his friend, and the rebels plan a daring attack to take back the town and restore peace to the citizens.

Along the way, there are plenty of thrilling action sequences as Cheyenne and his companions face off against the bandits and encounter unforeseen challenges. Meanwhile, Cheyenne also grapples with his own moral code as he struggles with the idea of killing to achieve justice.

The episode also delves into the themes of loyalty and honor as Cheyenne's friend must choose between following the law and doing what is right. The rebels also face their own struggles as they fight for their cause, with some members beginning to question the morality of their actions.

Overall, "The Greater Glory" is a thrilling and action-packed episode that also explores deeper themes of morality and justice. Cheyenne's character is further developed as he is forced to confront the difficult choices that come with being a hero.

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  • First Aired
    April 23, 1961
  • Content Rating
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.5  (70)