Cheyenne Season 4 Episode 9
Season 4

Ep 9. Riot at Arroyo Soco

  • TVG
  • February 1, 1960
  • 8.4  (82)

Cheyenne season 4 episode 9, "Riot at Arroyo Soco," is a thrilling episode that follows Cheyenne Bodie as he attempts to restore peace and order in a town overrun by a group of unruly cowboys. The episode begins as Cheyenne arrives in the town of Arroyo Soco, a town that is sharply divided between the Mexican residents and the group of rowdy cowboys who have been causing trouble in the area.

As Cheyenne walks through the streets of the town, he witnesses firsthand the chaos and destruction that has been wrought by the cowboys. Violence seems to be erupting at every turn, and the townspeople are growing increasingly frightened and desperate. Cheyenne knows that he must act quickly if he hopes to prevent the situation from escalating any further.

Cheyenne soon learns that the cowboys are in town to participate in a rodeo, which has been scheduled to take place in just a few short days. However, tensions between the cowboys and the Mexican residents are at an all-time high, and it seems unlikely that the event will be able to take place peacefully.

As Cheyenne begins to investigate the situation, he quickly realizes that the cowboys are not the only ones who are to blame for the unrest in the town. The Mexican residents are also harboring their own grievances, and they too have been engaging in acts of violence and aggression.

With tensions rising and violence escalating on both sides, Cheyenne knows that he must navigate a delicate balancing act if he hopes to bring peace and order to the town. He attempts to mediate between the two sides, listening carefully to the concerns of both the cowboys and the Mexican residents.

Cheyenne's efforts to resolve the conflict are complicated by the arrival of a group of bandits who have come to Arroyo Soco with the intention of robbing the rodeo. As the situation grows more and more volatile, Cheyenne must devise a plan to stop the bandits and restore order to the town.

As the episode races towards its thrilling conclusion, Cheyenne finds himself caught up in a violent brawl that threatens to consume the town. With lives on the line and chaos reigning supreme, Cheyenne must use all of his skills and experience to bring peace to Arroyo Soco before it's too late.

"Riot at Arroyo Soco" is a tense and action-packed episode that explores themes of violence, justice, and community in the wild west. Cheyenne's efforts to bring peace to the town are compelling and dramatic, and the episode is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats from beginning to end. With its engaging characters, thrilling action sequences, and thought-provoking themes, "Riot at Arroyo Soco" is a must-see episode for fans of Cheyenne and for western enthusiasts everywhere.

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  • First Aired
    February 1, 1960
  • Content Rating
  • Language
  • IMDB Rating
    8.4  (82)