Chasing Justice with Dan Abrams Season 2 Episode 1

Ep 1. When the Smoke Clears

  • February 9, 2011

When the Smoke Clears, the first episode of season 2 of Chasing Justice with Dan Abrams, delves into the complex case of a man named Rodney Reed, who has been on death row for over 20 years. Reed was convicted of the murder of Stacey Stites, a 19-year-old woman who was found strangled and abandoned in a remote area in Texas in 1996. However, Reed has maintained his innocence throughout his trial and appeals process, and his case has become a rallying cry for activists who believe he was wrongfully convicted.

The episode begins with a recap of the key players in the case, including Reed, Stites, and the various law enforcement officials and legal experts who have been involved over the years. As the show notes, the case is particularly complicated because it involves allegations of racism, police misconduct, and unclear forensic evidence.

The first segment of the show focuses on the night of Stites' murder, exploring the evidence that points to Reed as the perpetrator. This includes DNA evidence that was collected from Stites' body, which matched Reed's DNA profile. The show also highlights testimony from several eyewitnesses who say they saw Reed and Stites together on the night of the murder.

However, the show also explores the possibility that Reed was framed by law enforcement officials or wrongly implicated due to systemic issues within the criminal justice system. This includes allegations of racist motivations by some of the police officers involved in the case and questions surrounding the handling of the DNA evidence.

Throughout the episode, Dan Abrams and his team interview a range of experts, including forensic scientists, legal scholars, and activists who have been working to free Reed from prison. They also speak with Reed himself and his family members, who describe their ongoing struggle to prove his innocence and secure a new trial.

Ultimately, the episode leaves viewers with a lot to consider, showing both the evidence that suggests Reed's guilt and the significant flaws and questions surrounding the case. As the title When the Smoke Clears suggests, the episode is focused on trying to shine a light on the truth behind a complicated case that has generated a lot of attention and controversy over the years.

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  • First Aired
    February 9, 2011
  • Language