Chasing Justice with Dan Abrams Season 1 Episode 9

Ep 9. Death and the Dentist

  • September 13, 2010

In season 1, episode 9 of Chasing Justice with Dan Abrams, titled "Death and the Dentist," the show explores the case of a dentist who is accused of murdering his wife. Dr. Gilberto Nunez, a respected dentist in upstate New York, is accused of killing his wife, Linda, in November of 2011. Linda's death had initially been ruled a suicide, but her family never believed it, and years later, new evidence leads investigators to look more closely at Dr. Nunez.

The episode begins with Abrams introducing the case, describing Dr. Nunez as an "unlikely suspect" with no prior criminal history. However, as the investigation unfolds, it becomes clear that there was more to Dr. Nunez's relationship with his wife than meets the eye. The couple had been married for nearly three decades and had two children together, but there were rumors that Dr. Nunez had been unfaithful and that Linda was planning to leave him.

As the show delves deeper into the case, it examines the evidence against Dr. Nunez, including a series of text messages that were sent from Linda's phone to Dr. Nunez in the days leading up to her death. The messages purportedly show that Linda was planning to leave Dr. Nunez and that he was trying to convince her to stay. The prosecution argues that these messages are evidence of Dr. Nunez's motive for murder.

The defense, on the other hand, argues that the text messages are not conclusive evidence and that there is no physical evidence linking Dr. Nunez to Linda's death. They also argue that Linda had a history of depression and suicidal thoughts, which could explain her death.

Throughout the episode, Abrams speaks to experts and witnesses involved in the case, including Linda's sister, the lead investigator, and a forensic psychiatrist who evaluated Dr. Nunez. They discuss the intricacies of the case and present their perspectives on what really happened to Linda Nunez.

As the show comes to a close, the jury is still deliberating, and it's unclear whether Dr. Nunez will be found guilty or not guilty of murder. The episode leaves viewers to ponder the evidence and make their own conclusions about the case.

Overall, "Death and the Dentist" is a gripping and insightful episode of Chasing Justice with Dan Abrams. It provides a nuanced look at a complicated and emotional case and raises important questions about the nature of justice and the criminal justice system. The episode is a must-watch for anyone interested in true crime and legal drama.

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  • First Aired
    September 13, 2010
  • Language