Chasing Justice with Dan Abrams Season 1 Episode 10

Ep 10. Too Fat to Kill

  • September 13, 2010

As a legal analyst and journalist, Dan Abrams has covered numerous controversial cases and high-profile trials. In his show "Chasing Justice," Abrams takes viewers on a deep dive into some of the most captivating legal dramas in recent years. Through interviews with key players, expert analysis, and case reenactments, Abrams offers a behind-the-scenes look at how the justice system operates, and the many factors that shape the outcomes of criminal cases.

In season 1, episode 10 of "Chasing Justice," entitled "Too Fat to Kill," Abrams examines a case that sparked a heated national debate about the death penalty and its application to people who are severely obese. The episode centers around the trial of Richard Glossip, a former motel manager in Oklahoma who was convicted of orchestrating the murder of his boss, Barry Van Treese, in 1997.

At the heart of Glossip's case is the question of his culpability. While Glossip did not participate in the actual killing, prosecutors argued that he hired a maintenance worker, Justin Sneed, to carry out the deed. Sneed confessed to the murder and implicated Glossip, who was subsequently sentenced to death.

What made this case particularly controversial was Glossip's weight. At the time of his trial, he weighed over 280 pounds and suffered from a number of medical conditions, including sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and diabetes. His defense team argued that his weight and health issues made him physically unfit to undergo a lethal injection, and that executing him would constitute "cruel and unusual punishment" in violation of the Eighth Amendment.

The episode delves into the legal arguments on both sides of the case. On one hand, prosecutors claimed that Glossip's weight and medical conditions were not severe enough to preclude the use of lethal injection, and that the evidence against him was overwhelming. On the other hand, Glossip's defense team argued that his physical state made lethal injection a cruel and painful method of execution, and that there were serious questions about the reliability of Sneed's testimony.

To help viewers fully understand the complexities of the case, Abrams interviews a range of experts, including legal scholars, medical professionals, and former members of Glossip's defense team. He also speaks with Glossip's adult daughter, who expresses her belief in her father's innocence, as well as Van Treese's daughter, who remains convinced of Glossip's guilt.

In addition, the episode includes dramatizations of key moments from the trial, including Sneed's testimony and Glossip's sentencing. These scenes are complemented by archival footage of news reports and interviews with Glossip's lawyers and other key players in the case.

Overall, "Too Fat to Kill" is a thought-provoking exploration of a deeply divisive legal issue. Combining rigorous analysis with compelling storytelling, Dan Abrams offers viewers a nuanced look at a case that continues to stir controversy and spark debate.

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  • First Aired
    September 13, 2010
  • Language