Chasing Justice with Dan Abrams Season 1 Episode 1

Ep 1. Deadly Affair

  • July 12, 2010

Chasing Justice with Dan Abrams is a true crime series that follows the legal work of Dan Abrams, a well-known legal analyst and journalist. In season one, episode one, titled Deadly Affair, Dan takes on the case of a woman named Amanda Hornsby-Fletcher who was convicted of the murder of her husband, Buddy Fletcher.

The episode starts with a quick introduction to Hornsby-Fletcher's case. In 2009, her husband was found dead in their house in Columbia, Tennessee. He had been shot three times, and Hornsby-Fletcher immediately became a suspect. She claimed self-defense, but the prosecution argued she had premeditated the murder due to financial problems and an affair.

Once Dan Abrams reviews the case's details he seeks out Hornsby-Fletcher's defense attorney, Randy Lucas. Lucas outlines the defense strategy he and Hornsby-Fletcher's team used during the trial and the mistakes he made that potentially cost Amanda her freedom. Abrams also interviews witnesses who did not testify during the trial, including Hornsby-Fletcher's lover at the time of the murder.

As the investigation continues, Dan Abrams works to uncover new details about the case. He speaks with the lead investigator, who still believes in Hornsby-Fletcher's guilt. While working through the actual events of the crime, Abrams discovers inconsistencies in the timeline of the investigation. These inconsistencies lead him to believe that Hornsby-Fletcher may have been wrongly convicted.

The episode reaches its climax as Abrams recreates the crime scene inside the couple's home. He uses his legal experience and skills as an investigative journalist to revisit the evidence, including gunshot residue, blood spatter, and ballistics. With an understanding of the psychology of the victim and the suspected killer, Abrams reenacts the fatal shots to see if they match the prosecution's hypothesis of Hornsby-Fletcher's guilt.

The episode ends on a cliffhanger, with Abrams presenting his findings to the defense team. They have to decide whether these new details and inconsistencies in the prosecution's theory are strong enough to warrant a new trial.

In summary, the first episode of Chasing Justice with Dan Abrams is a compelling investigation of a high-profile murder case. Dan Abrams' experience as a legal analyst and investigative journalist allows him to present a fresh perspective on the evidence, and uncover new details that may change the course of the case. With a mix of dramatic reenactments, witness interviews, and legal analysis, Deadly Affair is a gripping introduction to the series.

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  • First Aired
    July 12, 2010
  • Language