Charlie Rose 2011 Season 5 Episode 7

Ep 7. Charlie Rose - Felipe Calderon (May 10, 2011)

  • TV-NR
  • May 10, 2011
  • 55 min

Charlie Rose - Felipe Calderon (May 10, 2011) is an episode featuring the former President of Mexico, Felipe Calderon. The interview is conducted by Charlie Rose, an American television talk show host and journalist known for his extensive interviews with leading figures from various fields.

The episode begins with a brief introduction by Charlie Rose, where he talks about the current political climate in Mexico and the challenges faced by Calderon during his presidency. He also mentions Calderon's efforts to combat drug trafficking, which is one of the main topics explored in the interview.

Calderon starts the interview by discussing his childhood and early political career. He talks about his decision to join the National Action Party (PAN) and his eventual rise to the presidency in 2006. He also reflects on his achievements during his time in office, including his efforts to modernize Mexico's economy and his work on environmental issues.

The conversation then turns to the issue of drug trafficking, which was a major challenge during Calderon's presidency. Calderon explains the measures he took to combat drug cartels, including the deployment of troops and increased cooperation with the United States. He also talks about the difficulties he faced in this area, such as corruption and violence.

Calderon also discusses his relationship with the United States during his presidency. He talks about the importance of the bilateral relationship and the challenges faced in dealing with issues such as immigration and drug trafficking. He emphasizes the need for both countries to work together and highlights the progress made in recent years.

Throughout the interview, Charlie Rose asks thoughtful and insightful questions, bringing out the best in Calderon's responses. The discussion is engaging and informative, touching on a wide range of topics related to Mexico and its relationship with the United States.

Overall, Charlie Rose - Felipe Calderon (May 10, 2011) is an excellent episode featuring a fascinating conversation between two intelligent and knowledgeable individuals. It provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by Mexico during Calderon's presidency and the efforts made to address them.

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  • First Aired
    May 10, 2011
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    55 min
  • Language