Charlie Rose 2011 Season 5 Episode 5

Ep 5. Charlie Rose - James Franco (May 6, 2011)

  • TV-NR
  • May 6, 2011
  • 54 min

Charlie Rose - James Franco (May 6, 2011) is an episode from the fifth season of the talk show Charlie Rose. In this episode, host Charlie Rose sits down with actor, director, and writer James Franco to discuss his recent projects and career.

James Franco has had a prolific career in entertainment, and in this interview, he shares his insights on his roles in film, television, and theater. Rose begins the conversation by asking Franco about his recent directorial project, a documentary about Saturday Night Live called Saturday Night.

Franco talks about his fascination with the behind-the-scenes aspects of the show and his desire to capture that on film. He also discusses his decision to attend film school and how it has influenced his work.

Rose and Franco then move on to discuss Franco's acting career. Franco talks about his role in the 2010 film 127 Hours, for which he was nominated for an Academy Award, as well as his work on the soap opera General Hospital.

The conversation then shifts to Franco's work in the theater, including his role in the play Of Mice and Men. Franco talks about the challenges of working on stage versus in film and television and how the experience has helped him grow as an actor.

The interview also touches on Franco's academic pursuits, including his studies at Columbia University and his interest in literature. Franco talks about his admiration for the work of William Faulkner and how it has inspired his own writing.

Overall, Charlie Rose - James Franco (May 6, 2011) offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of one of today's most versatile and talented entertainers. Franco's insights on his work as an actor, director, and writer are sure to interest fans and aspiring artists alike.

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  • First Aired
    May 6, 2011
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    54 min
  • Language