Chaos;HEAd is a sci-fi thriller anime series produced by FUNimation in 2008. The story revolves around a high school student named Takumi Nishijou (voiced by Hiroyuki Yoshino), who suffers from a psychological disorder known as delusional paranoia. He finds himself caught up in a series of bizarre events after witnessing a gruesome murder on the streets of Shibuya.
Takumi is a recluse who spends most of his time playing video games and avoiding human contact. He prefers to live in his own delusional world where he imagines a girl named Rimi Sakihata (voiced by Ui Miyazaki) as his girlfriend. However, his reality is about to be shattered when he gets involved in a murder case. He sees a mysterious pink-haired girl covered in blood and holding a bloody weapon in her hand. From that moment on, Takumi's life takes a dangerous turn as he becomes involved in a series of supernatural battles in a world that is not his own.
The show features a strong female cast with Hitomi Nabatame as the cold and distant detective, Ayase Kishimoto, who is investigating the murder case that Takumi witnessed. She is joined by Chiaki Takahashi as Natsuki Shinozaki, a scientist who is working on an experiment involving the human brain. Yui Sakakibara plays the role of Kozue Orihara, Takumi's childhood friend who is secretly in love with him, while Eri Kitamura voices one of the show's antagonists, Misumi Kusakabe.
The series delves into themes of reality and perception, with Takumi's delusional state and the murders he sees causing him to question his own sanity. The show also touches on the idea of alternate realities, as Takumi finds himself shifting between different dimensions or worlds. This leads him to encounter new characters who may or may not be a part of his imagination, and the line between reality and fantasy becomes blurred.
The animation of Chaos;HEAd is beautifully crafted and features stunning visual effects. The character designs are intricate and detailed, highlighting the unique personalities of each character. The background art is also well-crafted, with the hustle and bustle of Shibuya brought to life through vibrant colors and stunning cityscapes. The soundtrack of the series is also noteworthy, featuring a mix of electronic and orchestral music that adds to the tense and dramatic moments of the show.
Overall, Chaos;HEAd is a gripping sci-fi thriller that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The intense and complex storyline, combined with the beautiful animation and stunning soundtrack, makes for a truly immersive experience. The show is a must-watch for fans of the sci-fi and thriller genres, as well as those who enjoy mind-bending and thought-provoking stories.
CastHitomi NabatameUi MiyazakiChiaki TakahashiYui SakakibaraHiroyuki Yoshino
Premiere DateOctober 9, 2008
IMDB Rating5.9 (810)
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