Carsplainers Season 1 Episode 3
Season 1

Ep 3. Why Automakers Spend Millions Making Concept Cars

  • December 6, 2019
  • 6 min

In Carsplainers season 1 episode 3, titled "Why Automakers Spend Millions Making Concept Cars," viewers will delve into the world of automobile concept cars. Often praised for their sleek designs and futuristic features, concept cars are created with a hefty price tag. But why do automakers spend millions on these seemingly impractical vehicles?

The episode opens with host Rebecca Jackson traveling to Detroit to attend the North American International Auto Show. Here, she interviews industry experts and car enthusiasts to understand the role concept cars play in the automobile industry.

Viewers will learn that concept cars serve a range of purposes, from testing new technologies to gauging consumer interest. Automakers invest millions of dollars in research and development to create cutting-edge models that showcase their vision for the future of the industry. The episode explores the design process, such as creating prototypes and 3D models to bring the concept car to life.

The episode highlights several notable concept cars, including the Mercedes-Benz F 015 Luxury in Motion and the Audi H-Tron Quattro. Both vehicles feature autonomous driving capabilities and innovative designs that have inspired models in production today.

But not all concept cars make it into production. Jackson interviews experts who explain that while some vehicles are created purely for marketing purposes, others are intended to test innovative features that may not be feasible for mass production. These cars, often referred to as "moonshot" vehicles, allow automakers to experiment with new technologies that may eventually make their way into more practical models.

Throughout the episode, Jackson emphasizes the importance of concept cars in shaping the future of the automobile industry. By showcasing forward-thinking designs and technologies, concept cars not only inspire automakers but also influence consumer preferences. Viewers gain an understanding of how each concept car serves a unique purpose, from attracting attention at auto shows to testing advanced safety features.

She also explores the risks automakers take in investing in concept cars, such as the potential for negative publicity if the car fails to live up to expectations or is never actually produced. With so much at stake, automakers must carefully consider whether a concept car is worth the investment.

The episode concludes with a look at the future of concept cars. Jackson interviews industry insiders who speculate on new technologies that may become commonplace in the industry. The episode offers insight into the creative process behind making a concept car and how these cars hold the potential to revolutionize the automobile industry as we know it.

Overall, Carsplainers season 1 episode 3 offers a fascinating look at the world of concept cars and their role in the automobile industry. Viewers will walk away with a deep understanding of why automakers spend millions on these innovative vehicles and how they shape the future of transportation.

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  • First Aired
    December 6, 2019
  • Runtime
    6 min
  • Language