Carnivorous Season 1 Episode 3
Season 1

Ep 3. Meat on a Doughnut

  • TV-G
  • July 21, 2019
  • 21 min

Carnivorous season 1 episode 3, titled Meat on a Doughnut, takes viewers on a journey with host Courtney Rada as she explores the innovative culinary creations of vegan chefs using meat substitutes.

In this episode, Rada visits vegan doughnut shop Voodoo Doughnut in Portland, Oregon, where she samples the shop's unique doughnut creations using plant-based meat substitutes such as vegan bacon and sausage. Rada interviews the chefs and owners of Voodoo Doughnut, who explain how they have successfully incorporated vegan meat substitutes into their menu items.

Next, Rada visits Jackfruit Cafe, a restaurant in Los Angeles that specializes in using jackfruit - a tropical fruit that has a meat-like texture - as a meat substitute in their dishes. The chef prepares a variety of dishes, including jackfruit tacos and burgers, and Rada is impressed with the flavor and texture of the jackfruit.

After sampling the vegan meat substitutes, Rada meets with meat expert Aubrey Mast, who educates Rada on the different types of vegan meat substitutes available in the market. She explains how some of them are made from soy or seitan, while others are made from vegetables such as peas and potatoes. Mast also discusses the nutritional value of meat substitutes and whether they can truly replace meat in a diet.

In the final segment of the episode, Rada visits a local butcher shop in Portland, where she learns about the process of curing and smoking meat. The butcher explains the differences between traditional meat and vegan meat substitutes and discusses the challenges of making vegan meat taste like traditional meat.

Overall, Carnivorous season 1 episode 3 provides a fascinating exploration of the growing trend of vegan meat substitutes and the chefs who are using them to create delicious and innovative dishes. Whether you're a vegan or a meat lover, this episode is sure to challenge your perceptions of meat and open your eyes to the possibilities of plant-based alternatives.

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  • First Aired
    July 21, 2019
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    21 min
  • Language