Ep 7. Morgan Mayhem
- May 21, 2015
Car SOS season 3 episode 7, titled "Morgan Mayhem", features an iconic British classic car manufacturer - Morgan. The episode follows Tim Shaw and Fuzz Townshend as they take on the task of restoring a Morgan 3-Wheeler that has been hiding away in a garage for over 20 years.
The show starts with the team meeting the current owner, Ken, who has had the 3-Wheeler since he was 20 years old. He hasn't driven it in over two decades and it's in need of some serious TLC. The car has memories for Ken, as he used to drive it around with his father when he was younger, but now it's almost unrecognizable and needs a complete overhaul.
The duo takes on the task to restore the 3-Wheeler back to its former glory. The first thing they notice is how the aluminum body of the car has deteriorated and the engine is corroded. The mechanical components and brakes also need a complete overhaul. The project involves a lot of metalwork, electrical rewiring, and testing the car to ensure it's road-worthy.
Fuzz and Tim salvage what they can from the car and replace the necessary parts. They also take a trip to the British Motor Museum to get inspiration and some spare parts. The Morgan 3-Wheeler is special as it has a unique design and shape. It's a car that's meant to be driven and enjoyed, and the team's goal is to get the car back on the road again.
During the episode, we get to see some of the challenges Fuzz and Tim face, such as an oil leak and a faulty fuel gauge. However, they remain determined to get the car back on the road, and with their skills and expertise, they manage to do just that. The episode also includes some heart-warming moments with Ken, who is overjoyed to see his car restored and on the road again.
Overall, the episode "Morgan Mayhem" is a testament to the skill and dedication of the Car SOS team. They show how with hard work and patience, a classic car can be restored to its former glory. The Morgan 3-Wheeler is a car that's steeped in history and tradition, and the team does an excellent job of capturing the essence of what makes it so special.