Watch Captain Planet with Don Cheadle
- 2011
- 1 Season
Captain Planet is a beloved animated series that aired from 1990 to 1996. The show was known for its catchy theme song, colorful animation, and its environmentally conscious message. The show follows the adventures of the Planeteers, a group of teenagers from around the world who are bestowed with magical rings that allow them to control the elements. Together with their ally, a powerful superhero named Captain Planet, the Planeteers work to protect the environment and fight against pollution and other environmental threats.
In the Funny or Die reboot of Captain Planet, Don Cheadle stars as the titular hero. The series features a different take on the character, with Cheadle portraying a darker, more cynical version of Captain Planet. This new version of the character is angry and jaded due to years of fighting against humanity's destructive impact on the planet. Rather than being a shining symbol of hope, Cheadle's Captain Planet is bitter and resentful toward humanity.
Gillian Jacobs plays Dr. Blight, the primary antagonist of the series. Dr. Blight is a ruthless scientist who seeks to further her own personal gains at the expense of the environment. She is arrogant, manipulative, and has no regard for the consequences of her actions.
Throughout the series, Captain Planet and Dr. Blight engage in a bitter struggle for control of the Earth's future. Cheadle's Captain Planet is often faced with difficult moral dilemmas and must decide whether to protect the environment at all costs or find a way to work with humanity to find a sustainable balance.
The show features a mix of live-action and animation, with Cheadle and Jacobs playing their roles in live-action while the Planeteers and other animated characters are brought to life through computer animation.
The show's sense of humor is a mix of satire and dark comedy. The series often pokes fun at the tropes of environmentalism and superhero stories while also presenting a biting commentary on the state of the planet and humanity's impact on it.
Fans of the original Captain Planet series will appreciate the reboot's commitment to the show's environmental message. The series tackles complex issues like climate change, animal rights, and corporate greed, often presenting a nuanced view of these topics that goes beyond simple black and white morality.
Overall, the Funny or Die reboot of Captain Planet is a worthy successor to the original series. With its dark humor, strong performances, and compelling storylines, the series is sure to appeal to both longtime fans and newcomers alike.