Can't Pay, We'll Take it Away Season 3 Episode 13

Ep 13. Episode 13

  • March 6, 2018

Can't Pay, We'll Take it Away is a British reality television show that follows High Court Enforcement Officers (HCEOs) as they enforce court orders and execute the recovery of debts owed by individuals and businesses. In season 3 episode 13, the HCEOs face challenging situations as they deal with debtors who refuse to cooperate, hide their assets, and even attempt to physically assault the enforcement officers.

The episode starts with HCEOs Paul Bohill and Steve Pinner being called to recover a debt of over £2,000 from a motor repair garage in London. The debtor, who had been unresponsive to previous letters and warnings, denies owing any money and refuses to let the HCEOs inspect his premises. After a heated argument, the HCEOs return with a writ of control and a locksmith to gain access to the garage. Inside, they find valuable equipment and vehicles that are seized on the spot, despite the debtor's protests.

Meanwhile, enforcement agents Peter and Paul are in Bristol to recover a debt of nearly £29,000 from a tenant who had refused to pay rent for several months. The tenant is an ex-boxer with a history of violence, and he threatens the agents with physical harm and claims that he has no assets to seize. Undeterred, the agents conduct a thorough search of the property and find high-value items, including a replica of a World War II fighter plane. The tenant eventually agrees to pay the debt in instalments, avoiding further conflict.

In another case, HCEOs Delroy and Brian are tasked with recovering a debt of over £8,000 from a woman in Birmingham who had defaulted on her car finance agreement. The debtor, who is wheelchair-bound, claims that she had been sold a faulty car and should not be liable for the outstanding payments. However, the HCEOs explain that the finance company owns the car and can repossess it if the debtor fails to pay. Despite emotional pleas, the HCEOs tow the car away, leaving the debtor visibly distressed.

Finally, HCEOs Paul and Steve return to London to recover a debt of over £16,000 from a small business owner who had been ignoring court orders for over a year. The debtor operates a convenience store and claims that he cannot pay the debt as his business is struggling. However, the HCEOs find evidence of lavish spending, including a high-end car and expensive holidays abroad. After negotiating with the debtor's legal representative, the HCEOs agree to seize some of the debtor's assets to cover the debt, while allowing him to keep the store open to generate income.

Throughout the episode, the HCEOs face hostility, deception, and emotional confrontations, while trying to perform their duties within the boundaries of the law. Can't Pay, We'll Take it Away season 3 episode 13 is a gripping portrayal of the challenges faced by HCEOs in their quest to recover debts and uphold justice.

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  • First Aired
    March 6, 2018
  • Language