Caillou's New Adventures Season 1 Episode 23

Ep 23. Caillou Celebrates Thanksgiving

  • March 1, 2018
  • 4 min

Caillou Celebrates Thanksgiving is the 23rd episode of the first season of Caillou's New Adventures. In this heartwarming episode, Caillou and his family prepare for and celebrate Thanksgiving.

The episode starts with Caillou asking his parents what Thanksgiving is all about. They explain to him that it's a holiday where they give thanks and appreciation for all the good things in their lives. Caillou is excited and decides to help his family with the preparations.

They start by going to the grocery store to buy all the ingredients for their Thanksgiving feast. Caillou helps his parents pick out a turkey, vegetables, and other items they need. He even gets to pick out a special dessert for the occasion.

Once they return home, Caillou and his family get to work in the kitchen. Caillou helps his mom peel potatoes, while his dad starts to prepare the turkey. Caillou's little sister Rosie helps in her own way, by playing with the pots and pans.

As they cook, Caillou's mom reminds him of all the things they have to be thankful for, like their health, their home, and each other. This gives Caillou a lot to think about.

Finally, the meal is ready and the family gathers around the table to eat. Caillou's dad carves the turkey, while his mom puts all the sides on the table. Everyone is grateful for the delicious meal and the time spent together.

After dinner, Caillou helps clean up the dishes and puts away the leftovers. He then puts on a special Thanksgiving song and the family dances together. They all have a lot of fun and enjoy each other's company.

The episode ends with Caillou tucking in his little sister for the night, feeling happy and grateful for his wonderful family and all the good things in his life.

Caillou Celebrates Thanksgiving is a heartwarming episode about the importance of family, gratitude, and giving thanks. It teaches kids the value of being thankful for what they have and the joy of spending time with loved ones. The episode is sure to be a hit with both kids and parents alike.

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  • First Aired
    March 1, 2018
  • Runtime
    4 min
  • Language