Caillou's New Adventures Season 1 Episode 20

Ep 20. Caillou The Jungle Explorer

  • March 26, 2018
  • 4 min

Caillou’s New Adventures is a Canadian animated children’s television series that follows the adventures of a curious four-year-old boy named Caillou. In season 1, episode 20, titled "Caillou the Jungle Explorer," Caillou’s fascination with different landscapes and their inhabitants leads him on a delightful journey into the jungle.

The episode begins with Caillou and his family watching a nature documentary on Television. As Caillou sees different animals in the jungle, he gets excited and wants to explore the jungle himself. He asks his parents if they could take him to the jungle, but they tell him that it’s too far away and not safe for a little boy to go there. Initially, Caillou feels disheartened, but he doesn’t give up his dream of being a jungle explorer so quickly.

The next day, Caillou’s mother takes him to the park, and he immediately starts pretending that he is in the jungle. He sees a squirrel and imagines it as a monkey, climbing the trees. His mother encourages his imagination by suggesting different animals and scenarios that they could pretend together. They play in the park for a while, and Caillou seems happy, but he still wishes to explore a real jungle.

Later that day, Caillou’s grandfather visits them. When Caillou shares his desire to explore the jungle, his grandfather tells him about a jungle they have in their city’s botanical garden. Caillou gets excited and eagerly asks his grandfather to take him there. His grandfather agrees and takes him to the botanical garden the next day.

As soon as they enter the botanical garden, Caillou is amazed by the size and diversity of the plants around him. His grandfather shows him various trees, shrubs, and flowers and explains how they grow and their significance. They even come across some animals like birds and butterflies and Caillou is thrilled to see them.

After looking at all the different plants and animals, Caillou’s grandfather takes him to the jungle-themed section of the garden. It’s a dense section of the garden with artificial caves, streams and wooden walkways. As Caillou walks in, he is surrounded by exotic plants and animals (not real, obviously!). He sees a life-size jaguar statue and mistaking it for a real jaguar, jumps back in excitement. His grandfather explains that it’s just a statue and Caillou feels relieved.

As they explore the jungle-themed section, Caillou’s grandfather teaches him about the different animals in the jungle, their characteristics, and their habitats. They see monkeys, parrots, toucans, and even a snake. Caillou listens intently and asks many questions.

Later, they come across a small wooden bridge, which Caillou’s grandfather says will take them to a waterfall. Caillou is excited to see a real waterfall and eagerly follows his grandfather. As they walk, Caillou slowly realizes that it’s a pretend waterfall, but he plays along anyway. He sits down and starts to imagine himself in the middle of the jungle, hearing the sounds of animals and feeling the mist of the waterfall on his face.

Eventually, they make their way back to Caillou’s house, and he can’t stop talking about his adventure in the jungle. His parents are happy to see him excited and can’t believe how much he's learned just by exploring the botanical garden.

As the episode ends, Caillou is still excited to explore more and learn about other habitats. He asks his grandfather where he could explore next, and his grandfather tells him about a desert oasis. Caillou’s eyes light up with excitement as he imagines himself exploring the desert. It's clear that this little boy's curiosity and imagination knows no bounds and he's eager for more adventures just waiting to be discovered.

Overall, “Caillou the Jungle Explorer” is a heart-warming episode that perfectly captures a child's curiosity and fascination with the world around them. It teaches children about different habitats, animals, and plants in a fun and engaging way, which encourages young viewers to develop their own curiosity about the world.

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  • First Aired
    March 26, 2018
  • Runtime
    4 min
  • Language