Caillou's New Adventures Season 1 Episode 17

Ep 17. Caillou's Birthday Party

  • March 26, 2018
  • 4 min

Caillou's Birthday Party is the 17th episode of the first season of Caillou's New Adventures. This episode follows Caillou as he prepares for his birthday party.

The episode opens with Caillou waking up on the morning of his birthday. Excited for his birthday party later in the day, he rushes to his parents' room to wake them up and remind them of the celebration.

After breakfast, Caillou helps his parents decorate the house for the party. They hang streamers, blow up balloons, and set the table with party hats and plates.

As the guests begin to arrive, Caillou greets them at the door with a big smile. He is excited to see his friends and family and can't wait to celebrate with them.

The party is full of games and activities for the kids to enjoy. They play pin the tail on the donkey, musical chairs, and have a piñata. Caillou's favorite part of the party is when he gets to blow out the candles on his cake and make a wish.

Throughout the episode, Caillou learns important lessons about sharing and being a good host. When one of his friends accidentally spills juice on the carpet, Caillou doesn't get upset. Instead, he helps his friend clean up the mess and reminds everyone that accidents happen.

As the party winds down and the guests begin to leave, Caillou thanks each of them for coming and says goodbye with a hug. He is grateful for all of the love and support he received on his special day.

The episode ends with Caillou reflecting on his birthday party and all of the fun he had. He realizes that the best part of the day wasn't the presents or the games, but the time he got to spend with his loved ones.

Overall, Caillou's Birthday Party is a heartwarming episode that teaches children about the importance of being a good host and cherishing the time they have with their friends and family.

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  • First Aired
    March 26, 2018
  • Runtime
    4 min
  • Language