Caillou Season 4 Episode 5
Season 4

Ep 5. Caillou le courageux

  • January 1, 1970
  • 11 min

Caillou is a popular children's show about a four-year-old boy named Caillou and his adventures with his family and friends. Season 4 episode 5 is titled "Caillou le courageux", which translates to "Brave Caillou" in English.

The episode begins with Caillou playing in his backyard with his friends Leo and Clementine. They are having fun playing tag and chasing each other around. However, when Caillou accidentally falls and scrapes his knee, he becomes scared and starts to cry. His friends try to help him, but Caillou is too scared to let them touch him.

Later that evening, Caillou is still upset and scared about getting hurt. His parents try to comfort him and explain that getting hurt is a normal part of life and that it is okay to feel scared sometimes. Caillou is still hesitant and unsure about what to do if he gets hurt again.

The next day, Caillou and his family go to the park to play. While they are there, Caillou sees a dog running around off its leash. The dog accidentally knocks over a little girl, who starts to cry and is very upset. Caillou sees that the little girl is hurt and needs help, so he bravely runs over to her and offers to help her up.

The little girl's mom comes over and thanks Caillou for helping her daughter. Caillou is proud of himself for being brave and helping someone who needed it. He realizes that even though he may feel scared sometimes, he can still be brave and helpful to others.

Later that evening, Caillou tells his parents about how he helped the little girl at the park. His parents are proud of him and tell him that being brave is an important quality to have. They also remind him that it is okay to feel scared sometimes and that it is important to talk to someone about his feelings if he needs help.

Overall, "Caillou le courageux" is a heartwarming episode that teaches children about bravery and helping others. It shows that even though it is normal to feel scared sometimes, it is important to try to overcome those fears and help others when they need it. Caillou's experience at the park helps him realize that he has the power to be brave and helpful, and that he can always talk to someone if he needs help or support.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1970
  • Runtime
    11 min
  • Language