Caillou Season 2 Episode 35
Season 2

Ep 35. Machines! Brmm! (People I Love and Other Stories)

  • TV-Y
  • February 18, 2003

Caillou season 2 episode 35, titled "Machines! Brmm! (People I Love and Other Stories)" follows Caillou, a curious and adventurous four-year-old boy, as he discovers the world of machines. In this episode, Caillou becomes fascinated by how things work, as he learns about the different types of machines that make our lives easier.

The episode begins with Caillou's father fixing a flat tire on the family car. Caillou looks on with interest as his father uses different tools and machines to change the tire. Later, Caillou and his friend Leo visit a construction site where they see large machines like bulldozers and excavators at work. They watch in awe as the machines move dirt and rocks around.

The next day, Caillou accompanies his mother to a car wash. He observes how the machines are used to clean the car, and even gets to sit in the car as it goes through the automatic wash. Caillou is amazed by the powerful water jets and brushes used to clean the car.

Later, Caillou and his mother visit a car repair shop. The mechanic shows Caillou some of the tools and machines he uses to fix cars. Caillou watches as the mechanic changes the oil and checks the brakes. He even gets to sit in the driver's seat and honk the horn.

Back at home, Caillou and his father work on a project in the garage. They use a drill, hammer, and other tools to build a birdhouse. Caillou is proud of the birdhouse they create together, and can't wait to show it to his mother.

Throughout the episode, Caillou learns about the different machines that help us in our daily lives. He realizes that machines are fun to watch and exciting to use, but also learns that they can be dangerous if not used properly. Caillou and his family also spend quality time together while working on their projects, demonstrating the importance of bonding and creativity.

In addition to the main storyline, the episode also includes two additional stories. In "People I Love," Caillou reflects on the special people in his life, including his grandparents, parents, and friends. He expresses his gratitude for the love and support they provide him. In "Other Stories," Caillou imagines himself as different characters, such as a pirate, a cowboy, and a fireman. He uses his imagination to go on fun adventures and explores different pretend scenarios.

Overall, "Machines! Brmm! (People I Love and Other Stories)" is an engaging and educational episode of Caillou. Children will learn about different types of machines, the importance of safety, and the value of spending time with loved ones.

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  • First Aired
    February 18, 2003
  • Content Rating
  • Language