Caillou Season 1 Episode 65
Season 1

Ep 65. Caillou's Picnic

  • January 1, 1997
  • 5 min
  •   (9)

Caillou's Picnic is an episode from season 1 of the animated television show Caillou. This episode follows Caillou and his family as they plan and prepare for a picnic in the park.

At the start of the episode, Caillou and his mommy are watching the weather report on television and notice that it's going to be a sunny and warm day outside. This inspires the idea of a picnic, and Caillou quickly gets excited about the prospect of spending the day outdoors with his family.

Together, Caillou and his family begin preparing for the picnic by gathering all of the necessary supplies, such as a picnic basket, blankets, and food. Caillou is particularly interested in helping collect the food, and he and his mommy head to the grocery store to pick up everything they need. Along the way, they discuss the different types of foods that would be good for a picnic, and Caillou has fun helping pick out his favorites.

Once they get home, Caillou helps pack the picnic basket with all of the goodies they picked up at the store. He also helps his daddy load up the car with all of the supplies they need, and they set off for the park.

When they arrive at the park, Caillou is excited to explore and find the perfect spot for their picnic. He and his daddy wander around, looking at different areas and considering things like shade and proximity to the playground. Eventually, they find a great spot under a big tree, and they lay out their blankets and set up the picnic.

Throughout the day, Caillou and his family have a great time enjoying the beautiful weather, eating yummy food, and playing games. Caillou loves getting to run around and play in the park, and he also enjoys spending quality time with his family. They play games like Frisbee and catch, and they also fly kites together.

As the day begins to wind down, Caillou helps pack up the picnic supplies and load them back into the car. Even though the day is coming to a close, Caillou is grateful for all of the fun memories they made together.

Overall, Caillou's Picnic is a heartwarming episode about the joy of spending time outdoors with loved ones. Children will likely relate to Caillou's excitement about planning and going on a picnic, and families will enjoy watching as Caillou and his family bond and make memories together.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1997
  • Runtime
    5 min
  • Language