Building Microservices with Spring Boot LiveLessons, 2nd Edition

Watch Building Microservices with Spring Boot LiveLessons, 2nd Edition

  • 2016
  • 1 Season

Building Microservices with Spring Boot LiveLessons, 2nd Edition from Pearson is an exceptional learning experience geared towards software engineers, developers, and architects seeking to build modern-day microservices applications with ease. The course is led by Sreevidya Sriram, a seasoned software engineer, who brings her years of experience in Java development, microservices architecture, and Spring Boot to the fore.

The course is structured into 15 lessons, with each lesson covering a specific topic. It begins with an introduction to microservices and how they differ from traditional monolithic architecture. The first few lessons go into detail about the advantages of using microservices, such as scalability, fault tolerance, and agility. They also cover common challenges of implementing this architecture, including service discovery, load balancing, and resilience.

The instructor goes on to explain how to design and develop microservices using Spring Boot. This framework is a popular choice among developers due to its ease of use, robust features, and scalability. The course teaches how to create a simple microservice, delegate requests, handle responses, and store data using Spring Data. The instructor actively demonstrates how to set up an environment, create a development workflow, and test the code to ensure that it works optimally.

The lessons on containerization using Docker are exceptionally useful, as they teach how to create, manage, and deploy applications using Docker containers. Docker is one of the most popular containerization tools available, and the course teaches how to use it to deploy microservices. The lessons cover a range of topics, including creating a Docker container and deploying it to the cloud.

The second part of the course dives deeper into microservices architecture, with a strong focus on API gateway and service discovery patterns. These patterns are essential to building scalable and robust microservices applications. They help break down large monolithic applications into smaller and more manageable units, and enable more straightforward communication between them. The instructor actively demonstrates how to design a simple API gateway, and how to use service discovery with Spring Cloud.

The last few lessons focus on advanced topics, including security, monitoring, and tracing. Security is a critical concern when building any application, and even more so when it involves microservices architecture. The course teaches the fundamentals of security, and how to implement them using Spring Security. Monitoring and tracing are also crucial for application performance and troubleshooting. The course covers these topics, showing how to use tools like Prometheus and Grafana to monitor the health of the application.

Overall, Building Microservices with Spring Boot LiveLessons, 2nd Edition is an excellent course for anyone looking to build modern-day microservices applications. It covers a wide range of topics, from setting up the environment to deploying applications to the cloud. The instructor explains each topic in-depth, and actively demonstrates how to implement them using Spring Boot, Docker, and other popular tools. This course is highly recommended for anyone looking to become proficient in microservices development.

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Lesson 14: IDE and Tooling Support
14. Lesson 14: IDE and Tooling Support
December 29, 2016
IDE and tooling support for any language or framework can make a huge difference to productivity. This lesson will provide a basic introduction to tooling and then go on to coverSpring Boot support that's available for Netbeans,Eclipse, and IntelliJ. We'll show you how you can use Spring Boot Devtools to improve productivity and then dig into the internals of property metadata.
Lesson 14: IDE and Tooling Support
14. Lesson 14: IDE and Tooling Support
December 29, 2016
IDE and tooling support for any language or framework can make a huge difference to productivity. This lesson will provide a basic introduction to tooling and then go on to coverSpring Boot support that's available for Netbeans,Eclipse, and IntelliJ. We'll show you how you can use Spring Boot Devtools to improve productivity and then dig into the internals of property metadata.
Lesson 13: Extending Spring Boot
13. Lesson 13: Extending Spring Boot
December 29, 2016
Here, we're going to discuss the various reasons why you might want to extend Spring Boot. We'll cover the concept of curated dependencies, show you how you can write your own auto-configuration classes, and discuss how ApplicationListeners and ApplicationContextInitializers can be used to extend Spring Boot. We'll finish up with anexample of a failure analyzer.
Lesson 13: Extending Spring Boot
13. Lesson 13: Extending Spring Boot
December 29, 2016
Here, we're going to discuss the various reasons why you might want to extend Spring Boot. We'll cover the concept of curated dependencies, show you how you can write your own auto-configuration classes, and discuss how ApplicationListeners and ApplicationContextInitializers can be used to extend Spring Boot. We'll finish up with anexample of a failure analyzer.
Lesson 12: Testing Microservices
12. Lesson 12: Testing Microservices
December 29, 2016
In this lesson we'll cover the basic strategies for testing microservices, and look at how you can write Vanilla-J unit tests, or make use of Spring's testing framework. We'll cover how to mock Spring beans, and discuss the concept of application slices. We'll then have examples of JsonTest, DataJpaTest, RestClientTest and WebMvcTest.
Lesson 12: Testing Microservices
12. Lesson 12: Testing Microservices
December 29, 2016
In this lesson we'll cover the basic strategies for testing microservices, and look at how you can write Vanilla-J unit tests, or make use of Spring's testing framework. We'll cover how to mock Spring beans, and discuss the concept of application slices. We'll then have examples of JsonTest, DataJpaTest, RestClientTest and WebMvcTest.
Lesson 11: Securing Microservices with Spring Security
11. Lesson 11: Securing Microservices with Spring Security
December 29, 2016
In this lesson, we'll look at how Spring Security and Spring Cloud Security make securing a rest based microservice as easy andscalable as possible. We look at application authentication using HTTP Basic and x509 certificates. Finally we look at OAuth for single sign on in the context of a single page application.
Lesson 11: Securing Microservices with Spring Security
11. Lesson 11: Securing Microservices with Spring Security
December 29, 2016
In this lesson, we'll look at how Spring Security and Spring Cloud Security make securing a rest based microservice as easy andscalable as possible. We look at application authentication using HTTP Basic and x509 certificates. Finally we look at OAuth for single sign on in the context of a single page application.
Lesson 10: Developing Web Applications
10. Lesson 10: Developing Web Applications
December 29, 2016
This lesson helps you understand web applications from the perspective of amicroservice-based system. We can't cover everything that it takes to develop a modern web application, but we can show you the relevant pieces of Spring Boot that you'll want to use.
Lesson 10: Developing Web Applications
10. Lesson 10: Developing Web Applications
December 29, 2016
This lesson helps you understand web applications from the perspective of amicroservice-based system. We can't cover everything that it takes to develop a modern web application, but we can show you the relevant pieces of Spring Boot that you'll want to use.
Lesson 9: Operations at Scale
9. Lesson 9: Operations at Scale
December 29, 2016
We're going to look at how to capture the emergent behavior of a distributed system. We'll look at distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin to follow messages as they move from one node to another in a system. We'll look at how to monitor circuit breakers, which represent, in a way, a proxy for a downstream system that may fail.
Lesson 9: Operations at Scale
9. Lesson 9: Operations at Scale
December 29, 2016
We're going to look at how to capture the emergent behavior of a distributed system. We'll look at distributed tracing with Spring Cloud Sleuth and Zipkin to follow messages as they move from one node to another in a system. We'll look at how to monitor circuit breakers, which represent, in a way, a proxy for a downstream system that may fail.
Lesson 8: Edge Services and Routing
8. Lesson 8: Edge Services and Routing
December 29, 2016
In this lesson, we'll look at how to adapt requests coming into a system from anynumber of different clients. We'll look at how to handle client specific requirements with api gateways, microproxies, and declarative rest clients. Then we'll look at how to make our clients more robust with circuit breakers.
Lesson 8: Edge Services and Routing
8. Lesson 8: Edge Services and Routing
December 29, 2016
In this lesson, we'll look at how to adapt requests coming into a system from anynumber of different clients. We'll look at how to handle client specific requirements with api gateways, microproxies, and declarative rest clients. Then we'll look at how to make our clients more robust with circuit breakers.
Lesson 7: Creating Operations-Friendly Microservices
7. Lesson 7: Creating Operations-Friendly Microservices
December 29, 2016
Taking a microservice from development to production requires additional considerations. Additional features are often needed to make a microservicetruly production ready. This lesson helps you understand how agile methodologies affect operations. We'll talk about basic ways to gain insights into your application, such as logging, and some more advanced features.
Lesson 7: Creating Operations-Friendly Microservices
7. Lesson 7: Creating Operations-Friendly Microservices
December 29, 2016
Taking a microservice from development to production requires additional considerations. Additional features are often needed to make a microservicetruly production ready. This lesson helps you understand how agile methodologies affect operations. We'll talk about basic ways to gain insights into your application, such as logging, and some more advanced features.
Lesson 6: Data Synchronization and Processing
6. Lesson 6: Data Synchronization and Processing
December 29, 2016
This lesson will take us beyond rest and explore integration and batch processing. We explain the concepts behind enterprise integration patterns, and how to practically use them with Spring Integration and Spring Batch. Then we look at Spring Cloud Stream and Spring Cloud Dataflow to move our processing up the abstraction stack and make it easier for micro-surfaces tocommunicate in the Cloud.
Lesson 6: Data Synchronization and Processing
6. Lesson 6: Data Synchronization and Processing
December 29, 2016
This lesson will take us beyond rest and explore integration and batch processing. We explain the concepts behind enterprise integration patterns, and how to practically use them with Spring Integration and Spring Batch. Then we look at Spring Cloud Stream and Spring Cloud Dataflow to move our processing up the abstraction stack and make it easier for micro-surfaces tocommunicate in the Cloud.
Lesson 5: Giving Your Microservice a REST
5. Lesson 5: Giving Your Microservice a REST
December 29, 2016
REST is a core backbone of Microservices architecture, and this lesson will help you understand basic HTTP concepts, such as content negotiation, as well as core REST fundamentals. We also cover advanced topics, such as the principles of hypermedia as the engine of application state or hot DOS and why you should use them.
Lesson 5: Giving Your Microservice a REST
5. Lesson 5: Giving Your Microservice a REST
December 29, 2016
REST is a core backbone of Microservices architecture, and this lesson will help you understand basic HTTP concepts, such as content negotiation, as well as core REST fundamentals. We also cover advanced topics, such as the principles of hypermedia as the engine of application state or hot DOS and why you should use them.
Lesson 4: Working with Data
4. Lesson 4: Working with Data
December 29, 2016
In this lesson we discuss the impact of data on your microservice. We then briefly introduce Spring Data and how you can use it with classic relational databases. We also talk about how important it is to have a strategy that enables you to evolve your database and demonstrate Flyway, which is a popular database migration tool. Next we talk about Noah's fuel technologies.
Lesson 4: Working with Data
4. Lesson 4: Working with Data
December 29, 2016
In this lesson we discuss the impact of data on your microservice. We then briefly introduce Spring Data and how you can use it with classic relational databases. We also talk about how important it is to have a strategy that enables you to evolve your database and demonstrate Flyway, which is a popular database migration tool. Next we talk about Noah's fuel technologies.
Lesson 3: Reaching for The Clouds
3. Lesson 3: Reaching for The Clouds
December 29, 2016
This lesson covers the advances you gain when you embrace the cloud. We talk about infrastructure as a service, and platform as a service, and show you how easy it is to deploy a boot application to Heroku, Cloud Foundry, or package it into a Docker container. Finally, we'll look at third-party cloud services.
Lesson 3: Reaching for The Clouds
3. Lesson 3: Reaching for The Clouds
December 29, 2016
This lesson covers the advances you gain when you embrace the cloud. We talk about infrastructure as a service, and platform as a service, and show you how easy it is to deploy a boot application to Heroku, Cloud Foundry, or package it into a Docker container. Finally, we'll look at third-party cloud services.
Lesson 2: Using
2. Lesson 2: Using "Twelve-Factor App" Style Configuration
December 29, 2016
This lesson will help you understand the Twelve-Factor Appmanifesto, and specifically, how the configuration factorapplies to Spring Boot. We cover details of Spring's environment abstraction, show you how external configuration is loaded, and how you can bind propertiesto plain old Java optics.
Lesson 2: Using
2. Lesson 2: Using "Twelve-Factor App" Style Configuration
December 29, 2016
This lesson will help you understand the Twelve-Factor Appmanifesto, and specifically, how the configuration factorapplies to Spring Boot. We cover details of Spring's environment abstraction, show you how external configuration is loaded, and how you can bind propertiesto plain old Java optics.
Lesson 1:
1. Lesson 1: "Bootstrapping" (Spring Boot 101)
December 29, 2016
In this lesson we'll look at how you can get started with Spring Boot. We'll begin by providing a general introduction to Spring Boot and showing you how the Spring Boot CLI tool can be used to quickly run Groovy-based applications. We'll then move on toJava-based applications, and show you the Spring Initializer, which offers a quick wayto create new projects. We demonstrate both Mavenand Gradle-
Lesson 1:
1. Lesson 1: "Bootstrapping" (Spring Boot 101)
December 29, 2016
In this lesson we'll look at how you can get started with Spring Boot. We'll begin by providing a general introduction to Spring Boot and showing you how the Spring Boot CLI tool can be used to quickly run Groovy-based applications. We'll then move on toJava-based applications, and show you the Spring Initializer, which offers a quick wayto create new projects. We demonstrate both Mavenand Gradle-
  • Premiere Date
    December 29, 2016