Brigada Costa del Sol is a Spanish drama television series that premiered on Telecinco in May 2019. The series takes place in the Costa del Sol in the 1970s and is based on true events. The show follows a group of police officers, known as the Brigada Costa del Sol, as they try to bring down a gang of drug lords operating in the region. The story begins with the arrival of a new head of the local police force, Javier Ojeda, who is tasked with cleaning up the area and putting an end to the influx of drugs. Ojeda quickly realizes that he is dealing with a powerful and dangerous organization, and he forms a special task force to take them down.
The members of the Brigada Costa del Sol each have their own unique personalities and skills, and they work together to infiltrate the drug ring and gather evidence of their illegal activities. The team includes Fran, a young and inexperienced officer who is eager to prove himself, and Leo, a seasoned detective who has a troubled past. There is also Lola, a forensic expert who helps the team analyze evidence, and Sergio, a charismatic officer who uses his charm to gain information from suspects.
As the team digs deeper into the drug ring, they find themselves facing increasingly difficult challenges. They must navigate corrupt politicians, dangerous gang members, and personal conflicts within the team. Ojeda is also dealing with personal demons, including an addiction to drugs, which threaten to derail the investigation.
Throughout the series, viewers are taken on a thrilling ride as the Brigada Costa del Sol gets closer to taking down the drug lords. The action is intense, and the characters are well-developed, making it easy to become invested in their stories. There is also plenty of suspense and mystery, as the team uncovers new information and works to outmaneuver the gang members.
One of the standout features of the show is its setting. The Costa del Sol is a beautiful and vibrant region of Spain, and the series does an excellent job of showcasing its beauty and culture. From the stunning beaches to the bustling markets, viewers are transported to a different time and place.
The show also delves into the social and political issues of the time. The 1970s were a time of great change in Spain, and Brigada Costa del Sol touches on topics such as corruption, sexism, and the struggle for democracy. These themes add depth to the story and give viewers a sense of the broader context in which the events are taking place.
Overall, Brigada Costa del Sol is a gripping and well-crafted TV series that offers plenty of action, drama, and suspense. Its strong characters and beautiful setting make it a must-watch for fans of crime dramas, while its historical context gives it broad appeal. Whether you are a fan of Spanish television or simply looking for a great new show to watch, Brigada Costa del Sol is definitely worth checking out.
Premiere DateOctober 25, 2019
IMDB Rating6.7 (742)
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