Breaking the Set Season 2 Episode 160
Breaking the Set
Season 2

Ep 160. Unelectable Atheists, Portland Rejects Wal-Mart, Hood Disease Sham and 9/11 Profiteering

  • TV-PG
  • May 21, 2014

Breaking the Set season 2 episode 160, titled "Unelectable Atheists, Portland Rejects Wal-Mart, Hood Disease Sham and 9/11 Profiteering," is an hour-long investigative news program hosted by Abby Martin. The show delves into various topics related to democracy, social justice, and human rights abuses, exposing the hidden truths behind the mainstream narratives.

The first segment of the show deals with the issue of religious discrimination in American politics. In particular, Abby explores why being an atheist is considered a political liability. She interviews several prominent atheists who are running for public office but face discrimination from the media and the political establishment. These candidates share their experiences of being labeled as "unelectable" because of their lack of faith, and how they are fighting back against this blatant violation of their constitutional rights.

The second segment takes a look at the anti-Wal-Mart movement in Portland, Oregon. Abby investigates why the city's residents rejected the retail giant's plan to build a new store in their neighborhood, despite offering jobs and low-priced consumer goods. She interviews activists, community leaders, and small business owners who explain why Wal-Mart's business model is harmful to the local economy and the environment. Abby reveals how the grassroots campaign against Wal-Mart was successful in mobilizing public opinion and forcing the company to abandon its expansion plans.

The third segment of the show uncovers the disturbing trend of "hood disease sham" in US law enforcement. Abby interviews several whistleblowers, including police officers, who expose how police departments fabricate crime statistics to increase their funding and justify their tactics. She reveals how this practice disproportionately harms people of color and undermines the credibility of the justice system. Abby also examines why politicians and the mainstream media have largely ignored or dismissed the issue of police corruption.

The final segment of the show deals with the exploitation of the 9/11 tragedy for political and financial gain. Abby exposes how various government agencies and private contractors profited from the war on terror, while the American people paid a heavy price in terms of civil liberties and international reputation. She investigates the role of the military-industrial complex in perpetuating the global war machine and analyzes the impact of the 9/11 attacks on the American psyche.

Overall, Breaking the Set season 2 episode 160 provides a critical and thought-provoking analysis of some of the most pressing issues facing contemporary American society. The show challenges the status quo, dismantles stereotypes, and encourages audience members to engage in democratic activism.

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  • First Aired
    May 21, 2014
  • Content Rating
  • Language