Breaking the Set Season 2 Episode 159
Breaking the Set
Season 2

Ep 159. Ukraine's Journalist Kidnapping Epidemic and Bilderberg 2014: Elite Club Plans Global Policy in Secret

  • TV-PG
  • May 20, 2014

In episode 159 of Breaking the Set season 2, the host Abby Martin takes a deep dive into two important issues shaping the world today. Firstly, she delves into the epidemic of journalist kidnappings in Ukraine where she interviews Richard Engel, Chief Foreign Correspondent for NBC News. They discuss the dangerous and chaotic situation that journalists are facing in Ukraine and the chilling effect it has on the media's ability to cover the conflict.

Abby also talks to Olga Musafirova, a journalist who was kidnapped for three days by the separatists in Donetsk and has since fled the country. Olga shares her harrowing experience and the impact it had on her psychologically. She also emphasizes the importance of free speech and the need for journalists to be protected in any conflict zone.

In the second half of the episode, Abby covers the annual Bilderberg meeting held in Copenhagen, Denmark in 2014. Bilderberg is a private, secretive meeting of around 130 invited participants from politics, finance, industry, and media who meet behind closed doors to discuss global policies. Abby explains how this gathering of the global elite influences decisions that affect the rest of the world, even though it’s totally off the record and inaccessible to ordinary citizens.

Abby talks to Charlie Skelton, an investigative journalist who has written extensively about Bilderberg, and they discuss the power structure of the organization. They also focus on some of the agenda items that were discussed at the 2014 meeting and how they could impact the lives of people around the world.

Overall, Breaking the Set season 2 episode 159 offers in-depth coverage of two extremely important stories that are often overlooked by mainstream media. Abby Martin's interviews with experts and journalists provide viewers with valuable insights into the realities of conflict reporting and the invisible forces that shape our world.

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  • First Aired
    May 20, 2014
  • Content Rating
  • Language