Breaking the Set Season 2 Episode 158
Breaking the Set
Season 2

Ep 158. Cable Oligopoly, Justice for Rachel Corrie and a World Without Bees

  • TV-PG
  • May 19, 2014

Breaking the Set is a hard-hitting news program that delves deep into the issues that matter most to society, covering a range of topics from politics, corporate greed, and social justice. In season 2 episode 158, host Abby Martin explores the cable oligopoly, the fight for justice for Rachel Corrie, and the threat of a world without bees.

The first segment of the show focuses on the dominance of a few giant cable companies that control the majority of the internet pipeline in the United States. Abby examines how these companies have used their monopoly to charge exorbitant fees, limit competition and stifle innovation. She interviews experts who explain how these corporations have even managed to write laws and regulations that further strengthen their hold over the market. Abby looks into the dangers of this growing oligopoly and the need for solutions to break this monopoly and protect consumers.

Moving on to the next segment, the show highlights the struggle for justice for Rachel Corrie. Rachel was an American activist who was killed in Gaza while trying to prevent the demolition of Palestinian homes by Israeli forces. Nearly two decades later, her family is still fighting for accountability and justice in court. Abby talks to the Corrie family and their legal team about the challenges they face in seeking justice and exposing the truth about what happened to Rachel. She also connects with other activists and organizations working to fight for human rights and end the occupation in Palestine.

The final segment of the show addresses the catastrophic consequences of a world without bees. Abby examines how the decline of bee populations due to climate change, pollution, and pesticides is putting our food supply at risk. She speaks with beekeepers, scientists, and environmentalists about the need to take swift action to protect bees and other pollinators before it's too late. The show explores the interconnectedness of the natural world and how the loss of bees would trigger an ecological chain reaction.

Throughout the show, Abby uses her sharp intelligence and journalistic skills to navigate the complex issues and bring us closer to understanding the problems and solutions. She passionately advocates for social and environmental justice and encourages viewers to become informed and engaged citizens who take action to promote positive change.

Breaking the Set season 2 episode 158 is a powerful and informative show that tackles critical issues facing our world today. From corporate greed to expanding human rights, from environmental crisis to political resistance, the show offers a thought-provoking and nuanced exploration of the issues we face in today's complex world. As always, Abby Martin is a fearless and passionate guide who shines a critical light on the systems of power and invites us to join her in the ongoing struggle for a better world.

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  • First Aired
    May 19, 2014
  • Content Rating
  • Language