Breaking the Set Season 2 Episode 155
Breaking the Set
Season 2

Ep 155. Biden's Son Heading Top Ukrainian Gas Co., $100 Million Charter School Fraud and Top 5 Greenwashing Companies

  • TV-PG
  • May 14, 2014

Breaking the Set was a political show that aimed to give people an alternative perspective on news stories that were often misrepresented or ignored by mainstream media outlets. In season 2, episode 155, the show tackled three topics: Joe Biden's son joining the board of Ukraine's largest gas company, the exposure of a $100 million charter school fraud scheme, and the top five companies accused of "greenwashing."

The first segment focused on Hunter Biden, son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, joining the board of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine's largest private gas company. Host Abby Martin examined the potential conflict of interest this posed for the Biden family, as Joe Biden was actively involved in US policy towards Ukraine and had pushed for the removal of a prosecutor investigating Burisma. Martin also looked into the questionable practices of Burisma itself, including its exploitation of natural resources in Ukraine and its involvement in fracking. The segment provided a critical analysis of the complex web of business, politics, and corruption that often characterizes multinational corporations.

The second segment investigated a massive fraud scheme involving a network of charter schools and a for-profit management company called Charter Schools USA. Martin spoke with whistleblowers who had evidence of fraudulent accounting practices, conflicts of interest, and other forms of misconduct within the organization. The segment highlighted the role of private interests in education and the vulnerabilities of a system that values profit over student success.

The final segment focused on "greenwashing," a term used to describe companies that present themselves as environmentally friendly without actually making substantial changes to their practices. Martin named and shamed the top five companies guilty of greenwashing, including BP, Coca-Cola, and Walmart. She provided examples of their misleading advertising and compared them to true environmental initiatives that were making a difference. The segment provided an important reminder of the need for environmental accountability and the dangers of greenwashing as a form of corporate propaganda.

Overall, Breaking the Set season 2 episode 155 offered a critical examination of some of the most pressing issues facing society, including corruption, education, and environmentalism. Its unapologetic approach to analyzing these issues made it an important and thought-provoking show that challenged its viewers to think more deeply about the world around them.

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  • First Aired
    May 14, 2014
  • Content Rating
  • Language