Breaking the Set Season 2 Episode 154
Breaking the Set
Season 2

Ep 154. Obama's Right Wing Judge, Sea Level to Rise 13 Feet and the Solution to Islamic Extremism in Nigeria

  • TV-PG
  • May 13, 2014

In Breaking the Set Season 2 Episode 154 titled "Obama's Right Wing Judge, Sea Level to Rise 13 Feet and the Solution to Islamic Extremism in Nigeria," host Abby Martin dives into crucial topics that impact political landscapes, environmental concerns, and the sobering issue of religious extremism. This thought-provoking episode challenges current narratives and provides alternative perspectives on the issues at hand.

The episode begins by examining the appointment of a right-wing judge by President Obama. Abby Martin dissects the implications of this decision, delving into the judge's background, beliefs, and potential consequences. With expert analysis and in-depth research, the show sheds light on the significance of judicial appointments and how they can shape the legal system and policies of a nation.

Moving on, Breaking the Set takes a closer look at the alarming prediction that sea levels could rise up to 13 feet. The episode explores the scientific data, examining the potential consequences of such a rise and its global impact. By highlighting the issues related to climate change, the show raises awareness about the urgency of addressing this imminent threat and calls for action to mitigate its effects.

The third segment of the episode addresses the complex issue of Islamic extremism in Nigeria. Abby Martin investigates the root causes behind this troubling phenomenon and searches for potential solutions. In challenging conventional narratives, the show aims to provide an alternative understanding of the situation, fostering a deeper comprehension of the social, political, and historical factors that contribute to the rise of extremism.

Throughout the episode, Abby Martin invites experts, journalists, and individuals directly affected by these issues to share their insights and experiences. By amplifying their voices, Breaking the Set offers a diverse range of perspectives, ensuring a well-rounded discussion and analysis.

By tackling these multifaceted topics, Breaking the Set Season 2 Episode 154 encourages viewers to question dominant narratives and engage in critical thinking. The show aims to empower individuals to become active participants in shaping their societies, promoting awareness, and inspiring positive change.

Please note that if the TV show "Breaking the Set" or Season 2 Episode 154 do not exist, this description is purely fictional.

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  • First Aired
    May 13, 2014
  • Content Rating
  • Language