Breaking the Set Season 2 Episode 153
Breaking the Set
Season 2

Ep 153. Vermont Wins Against Monsanto, VA Corruption Killing Vets and NSA Sham Reform

  • TV-PG
  • May 12, 2014

Breaking the Set was a political talk show that aired on RT America from 2012-2015. In season 2, episode 153, the show covers three important stories that were not being extensively covered by mainstream media outlets: Vermont's victory against Monsanto, corruption in the VA that is causing the death of US military veterans, and the supposed NSA reform.

First, the show talks about Vermont's landmark decision to require GMO labeling on food products. The state of Vermont had passed a bill that required companies to label whether their products contained genetically modified ingredients, and Monsanto fought it tooth and nail. However, in this episode, Breaking the Set reports that Monsanto had lost the battle - the bill had been upheld and the labeling requirement was to come into effect. The host Abby Martin goes on to discuss the implications of the decision on the food industry and the future of GMO labeling.

The second segment of the show focuses on the corrupt practices within the VA. The host reports that there had been an epidemic of US military veterans dying while waiting for medical care from VA hospitals. The show features interviews with whistleblowers who had been working within the VA and exposes gross mismanagement and a culture of corruption that was contributing to preventable deaths. One person interviewed had claimed that she had been retaliated against after raising concerns about medical malpractice and fraud within the VA. The host calls attention to the severity of the issue and the continued neglect of those who have served in the military.

Finally, the episode addressed the supposed "NSA reform." The host had discussed how the government had been touting the notion of reforming the NSA to prevent the massive surveillance of citizens, but how nothing had actually effectively been done. The host outlines how the government had put in place superficial changes that still allowed for vast amounts of surveillance, with little to no oversight. The segment of the show raises important questions about the transparency of government surveillance and the erosion of rights for U.S. citizens.

Overall, this episode of Breaking the Set is a prime example of the show's commitment to covering underreported political events. The host displays an impressive knowledge of the issues, as well as a willingness to speak up about topics that the mainstream media frequently avoids. With a focus on providing viewers with explanations of various political events and how they affect America, Breaking the Set was an important voice in the media landscape during its airing.

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  • First Aired
    May 12, 2014
  • Content Rating
  • Language