Brandy & Mr. Whiskers Season 2 Episode 14

Ep 14. Stress Test / A Little Problem

  • May 5, 2006

Stress Test: After completing a stress test in Jungle Beat magazine for Brandy, Mr. Whiskers discovers that she is completely stressed out and wonders if he is the reason for Brandy's excessive stress. So after consulting Lola and Ed, he decides to take Brandy on a vacation to Placid Falls. Ed and Lola want to tag along, and Brandy agrees because she doesn't believe that they can cause any more trouble than Whiskers already does. But on their way to Placid Falls, Mr. Whiskers takes the wrong river route and gets them lost. Will they now be able to find their way to Placid Falls so that Brandy can get her relaxing vacation?

A Little Problem: Mr. Whiskers discovers that he is too small to ride one of the rides at the Amazon Waterpark, Flumes of Feury, he is extremely upset and gets sent to the kiddie pool. When he gets to the kiddie pool, he learns that Gaspar has the exact same problem and they both try repeatedly to sneak onto the ride. After all of their attempts fail, they then decide to start a revolt and stand up for their rights and they rally a group of all of the small animals in the jungle hoping to change the rule. But once Whiskers and Gaspar try the ride, and hate it, they realize that rules are only there to protect them.

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  • First Aired
    May 5, 2006
  • Language