Boom Bust Season 2 Episode 225
Boom Bust
Season 2

Ep 225. Are Cities Hackable

  • TV-PG
  • August 7, 2015

Boom Bust season 2 episode 225 delves into the topic of cyber security and how vulnerable our cities are to cyber attacks. As more and more cities and businesses become reliant on technology, hackers are finding new ways to exploit vulnerabilities and cause chaos. The episode looks at the current state of cyber security in cities and the potential consequences of a successful hack.

The episode features interviews with experts in the field, including cyber security professionals, city officials, and researchers. They discuss the various types of attacks that cities are vulnerable to, including ransomware, phishing scams, and denial-of-service attacks. They also explore the potential impact of these attacks, which could include shutting down critical infrastructure, stealing sensitive information, and disrupting public services.

One of the main themes of the episode is the need for increased collaboration between cities and the private sector to improve cyber security. Cities have limited resources and expertise when it comes to cyber security, but private companies have the resources and knowledge to help mitigate risks. The episode highlights some successful partnerships between cities and businesses and looks at the potential for others.

Another important aspect of the episode is the role of education and training in cyber security. Many people are unaware of the risks and how to protect themselves and their businesses. The episode explores the need for better education and training for individuals and also for city officials and employees.

Throughout the episode, examples of successful cyber attacks are discussed, including one in which hackers took control of a city's traffic lights. The incident caused chaos on the roads and highlighted just how vulnerable cities can be to cyber attacks. The episode also looks at some of the steps that cities are taking to improve their cyber security, including investing in better technology and partnerships with private companies.

Ultimately, the episode shows that cities are vulnerable to cyber attacks and that the risks are only going to increase as more services become digital. However, it also highlights that there are steps that cities and businesses can take to mitigate these risks and protect themselves. There is no silver bullet when it comes to cyber security, but by working together, education, training and leveraging technology advancements, cities are better poised to face and adapt to the inevitable.

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  • First Aired
    August 7, 2015
  • Content Rating
  • Language