Boom Bust Season 2 Episode 220
Boom Bust
Season 2

Ep 220. Russian Sanctions Deepen

  • TV-PG
  • July 31, 2015

In the 220th episode of Boom Bust season 2, the focus is on the deepening of Russian sanctions. The episode examines the ongoing tensions between the United States and Russia as they relate to economic sanctions, which have been in place since 2014. The show features expert analysis on the latest developments in this ongoing conflict and explores the implications of these sanctions for the global economy.

The episode begins with host Brent Jabbour introducing the topic and highlighting the severity of the sanctions against Russia. He notes that the sanctions are having a significant impact on the country's economy, particularly the energy sector. Brent discusses the reasons behind the sanctions, including Russia's annexation of Crimea and its alleged interference in the 2016 US presidential election.

Following the introduction by Brent, the show features a panel of experts who discuss various aspects of the issue. The experts include Marin Katusa, Chairman of Katusa Research, who provides an overview of the impact of the sanctions on Russia's energy sector and the global oil market. Katusa explains that the energy sector is critical to the Russian economy and that the sanctions have had a significant impact on the country's ability to export oil and gas. He also discusses the potential risks and opportunities for investors in the energy sector as a result of the sanctions.

Next, Brent interviews Ed Harrison, Founder of Credit Writedowns, who provides insights into the broader impact of sanctions on the global economy. Harrison explains that while the sanctions have had a negative impact on Russia, they have also impacted other countries that depend on trade with Russia. He notes that the sanctions are contributing to geopolitical tensions around the world and could lead to further conflicts.

The show also features an interview with Patrick Young, Executive Director of DV Advisors, who discusses the impact of the sanctions on the European Union. Young explains that the sanctions have a significant impact on European countries, which have strong economic ties with Russia. He notes that the EU is divided on the issue of sanctions, with some countries calling for a softer approach while others support more aggressive measures.

Finally, Brent introduces a report on the impact of the sanctions on the Russian economy. The report features interviews with experts and business owners who discuss the challenges facing the Russian economy as a result of the sanctions. The report highlights the impact of sanctions on small businesses and the agricultural sector, which have been hit hardest by the sanctions.

Overall, the 220th episode of Boom Bust season 2 provides a comprehensive analysis of the deepening of Russian sanctions and their impact on the global economy. The expert insights and in-depth reporting offer viewers a nuanced understanding of a complex issue that is likely to continue to have a significant impact on the world in the years to come.

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  • First Aired
    July 31, 2015
  • Content Rating
  • Language