Book of Mormon Videos Season 1 Episode 4

Ep 4. Lehi Sees a Vision of the Tree of Life

  • October 11, 2019
  • 13 min

In the fourth episode of the Book of Mormon Videos season 1, we witness an awe-inspiring vision granted to Lehi. Lehi, a prophet of God, resides in Jerusalem before receiving a commandment to flee the city with his family. While on his journey to seek a promised land, he has a vision that will change his perspective on the world.

In his vision, Lehi witnesses a majestic tree with white fruit, known as the Tree of Life. Eating the fruit will bring great joy and enlightenment to those who consume it. As he looks around, he sees multitudes of people lost in darkness, unable to find the tree. Some people even fall into a river, symbolizing temptations and distractions that pull them away from the tree.

Lehi also sees a large and spacious building full of those who mock and deride those who seek the Tree of Life. These people are blinded by their pride and worldliness, and they laugh at those who appear foolish in their eyes. Nevertheless, Lehi is determined to partake of the fruit, and the Lord guides him through the challenges.

One of the most remarkable things about this episode is the attention to detail that the filmmakers incorporate into the landscape and characters. Rather than relying solely on dialogue, the visuals convey much of the emotion and depth present in Lehi's vision. The landscape of the wilderness is both harsh and beautiful, reflecting the challenges and rewards of the spiritual journey.

Throughout the episode, there are moments of exquisite symbolism that resonate with people from all walks of life. For instance, the River of Filthy Water represents the temptations that pull people away from the path to the Tree of Life. Even small details like a darkened sky or a change in the music underscore the weight of the moment and guide the viewer through the narrative of Lehi's vision.

The Tree of Life itself is a triumph of visual storytelling. It radiates with a soft light that suggests something of ethereal worth and importance. The jeweled fruit is immaculate and otherworldly, promising a kind of nourishment that cannot be found in worldly treasures. Towards the end of the episode, the filmmakers explore the complex symbolism of the fruit, and it is a powerful moment.

Overall, the fourth episode of the Book of Mormon Videos season 1 is a profound and captivating exploration of one of the most iconic visions in religious tradition. Its artistry and attention to detail make it an instant classic, and it provides a rich platform for contemplation and exploration of spiritual themes. Whether you are a student of the religious text or simply an appreciator of high-quality film, this episode is well worth the watch.

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  • First Aired
    October 11, 2019
  • Runtime
    13 min
  • Language