Ep 20. Tune Pig
- October 1, 1993
Bonkers is an American animated television series that aired from 1993 to 1994. The series follows a cartoon world in which human beings and anthropomorphic animals coexist, usually resulting in ridiculous and hilarious situations. In this 20th episode of season 1, titled "Tune Pig," viewers meet a new character named Singe McFire.
Singe McFire is a dragon who works as a talent scout for a major record label in Toontown. Singe is on the lookout for the next big musical star, and he believes he's found them in a local band called the Tune Pigs. The Tune Pigs are a group of four anthropomorphic pigs that regularly perform at a nearby night club. They play a mix of jazz and swing music, and Singe thinks they have what it takes to be superstars.
Singe approaches the Tune Pigs after their performance and offers them a recording contract. The Tune Pigs are over the moon with excitement and eagerly accept the offer. However, Singe tells them that they need to record an album ASAP and get it to him within the week. The Tune Pigs are a bit worried since they don't have a lot of material and aren't sure they can pull it off in such a short amount of time.
Bonkers and Lucky, who are part of the Toontown police department, are at the night club watching the Tune Pigs perform when Singe approaches them. Singe tells Bonkers and Lucky that he needs their help in making sure the Tune Pigs make their deadline. Bonkers and Lucky are hesitant at first but eventually agree to help Singe out.
The next day, Bonkers, Lucky, and Singe are at the recording studio with the Tune Pigs. The Tune Pigs are struggling to come up with new material, and Singe is growing frustrated. Bonkers and Lucky try to help by suggesting different ideas, but nothing seems to be working out. That is until Bonkers suggests they take a break and go out to get some fresh air.
While out on their break, they come across a group of alley cats who are singing and dancing on the street. Bonkers gets an idea and suggests they invite the alley cats to record with the Tune Pigs. The alley cats, who are thrilled with the opportunity, agree to help out.
Back at the recording studio, the Tune Pigs and alley cats start to record their album. The recording goes well and everything seems to be on track, but that is until the record label owner shows up. The owner is none too pleased with Singe's decision to sign the Tune Pigs and demands to hear their recording.
The Tune Pigs play their recording, and the owner is not impressed. He tells them that he wants something different - something more modern and upbeat. The Tune Pigs are heartbroken and feel like they've let everyone down.
Bonkers, Lucky, and Singe try to come up with a solution to save the Tune Pigs' recording contract. They suggest that the Tune Pigs add some rock and roll to their jazz and swing style. The Tune Pigs are hesitant at first but decide to give it a try. And to their surprise, it works. The owner is impressed with the new sound and lets the Tune Pigs keep their recording contract.
In the end, the Tune Pigs are successful stars, thanks in part to the help of Bonkers, Lucky, and Singe. They show that with a little bit of creativity and hard work, anything is possible.