Ep 14. Rescue Mission
- August 30, 2018
- 20 min
In episode 14 of season 3 of Bondi Vet, titled "Rescue Mission," the team at Bondi Veterinary Hospital are faced with a range of challenging cases that push their expertise and resources to the limit.
One of the primary cases in this episode involves a young and energetic golden retriever named Charlie, who has been badly injured after being hit by a car. Dr. Chris Brown and his team work quickly to assess Charlie's injuries and provide emergency treatment, including stabilizing his ruptured bladder and repairing his ruptured diaphragm. Despite the severity of the dog's injuries, the vets are able to provide the crucial care he needs to survive and begin recovering.
Another case featured in this episode involves a beloved family cat named Mina who has gone missing in the neighborhood. The worried owners bring Mina's brother to the clinic in the hopes that the clinic's network and expertise can help locate the missing feline. As the team works on ways to track down the cat, viewers are taken on a journey through the high-pressure realities of animal rescue work and the emotional toll it can take on both owners and professionals alike.
Additionally, this episode of Bondi Vet also highlights the animals that are rescued and cared for by the team of veterinarians outside the hospital setting. The show follows Dr. Andrew Marchevsky as he responds to an emergency call to rescue an injured wild bird that has become trapped in a residential area. The bird is brought back to the clinic for treatment and rehabilitation, and the vets work to nurse it back to health before safely releasing it back into the wild.
Throughout "Rescue Mission," the team of veterinarians at Bondi Veterinary Hospital showcase their unwavering commitment to providing high quality care to all creatures, great and small. Viewers are treated to a behind-the-scenes look at the complex and emotionally charged work of the veterinary profession, as the team navigates the intricacies of animal care, client communication, and ongoing team collaboration.