Body Movin'

Watch Body Movin'

  • 2018
  • 1 Season

Body Movin’ is a fascinating show that explores the relationship between body movement, science, and technology. The show features a wide range of experts and enthusiasts from various fields, including dancers, scientists, athletes, and artists, all of whom explain the ways in which body movement can be used to improve our understanding of the world around us.

The show’s host, Veronica Belmont, is a science and technology journalist who brings her extensive knowledge and enthusiasm to the program. Throughout each episode, she travels to different parts of the world to meet with experts and explore different aspects of body movement.

One episode, for example, takes place in Japan, where Belmont meets with a group of robot designers who are developing robots that can replicate human movement with astonishing accuracy. She talks with the designers about the challenges of creating robots that can mimic the intricacies of human movement, and watches as a robot performs the same dance routine as a human.

Another episode takes place in New York City, where Belmont meets with a dance troupe that uses body movement to create stunning visual displays. She talks with the dancers about the ways in which they use movement to express different emotions and ideas, and watches as they perform an intricate routine set to music.

Throughout the show, the focus is on how our bodies can be used to explore and understand the world in new ways. For example, one episode explores the science behind balance and how it affects our ability to move and function. Belmont meets with a scientist who studies balance and watches as he demonstrates different techniques for improving our balance, including standing on one leg and performing yoga poses.

In another episode, Belmont travels to a lab in Scotland where researchers are using body movement to study the brain. She talks with the researchers about how they use motion capture technology to track the movement of the body and how that data can be used to better understand the brain and its functions.

One of the most interesting aspects of the show is its emphasis on the use of technology to enhance body movement. For example, one episode explores the world of exoskeletons, which are wearable devices that can help people with mobility issues to move more easily. Belmont meets with a man who uses an exoskeleton to walk again after losing the use of his legs, and watches as he navigates the streets of his city with ease.

Overall, Body Movin’ is a fascinating and informative show that offers a new perspective on the ways in which movement and technology intersect. Whether you are a dancer, athlete, scientist, or simply someone who is interested in the human body, this show is sure to provide plenty of insights and inspiration.

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  • Premiere Date
    September 30, 2018