Bo en Acción!

Watch Bo en Acción!

  • 2007
  • 1 Season

Bo en Acción! is a thrilling action-packed show available on FlixLatino. The show follows the life of Bo, a highly skilled cop, who is on a mission to bring down the most dangerous criminals in the city. Bo, played by the talented actor Tony Dalton, is a man of few words and is always ready for a fight, making him the perfect candidate for taking down criminal syndicates.

The show is set in Mexico City, where crime is rampant, and the police are constantly struggling to keep up with the ever-increasing crime rates. Bo is a veteran cop who has seen it all, and he is determined to make a difference. His no-nonsense approach to crime-fighting sets him apart from his colleagues, who are often more interested in paperwork than actually catching criminals.

Throughout the show, Bo faces some of the most dangerous criminals in the city. These criminals are often part of large crime syndicates, and they will do anything to stay in power. Bo's relentless pursuit of justice puts him in harm's way, but he never wavers. He is a man of principle, and he will stop at nothing to bring these criminals to justice.

The show is action-packed, and viewers will be on the edge of their seats throughout the entire series. From high-speed car chases to intense shootouts, Bo en Acción! never fails to deliver on the action front. The show's fight scenes are choreographed to perfection, and the stunt work is impressive.

In addition to the action, the show also has a strong emotional component. Bo is a complex character, and viewers will get to see different sides of him throughout the series. He is a man who has seen the worst that life has to offer, and he carries those experiences with him. As the series progresses, Bo's backstory is revealed, and viewers get to see why he is the way he is.

The supporting cast is also impressive. Bo works closely with his partner, Lalo, played by Fernando Becerril. Lalo is the more level-headed of the two and often tries to rein in Bo's more impulsive tendencies. He is a loyal friend and colleague and provides a good counterbalance to Bo's more volatile personality.

There are also several villains throughout the series, and each one is more dangerous than the last. From drug lords to corrupt government officials, Bo faces a wide variety of enemies in his quest for justice. The villains are well written, and viewers will find themselves both intrigued and repulsed by these characters.

Bo en Acción! is a well-crafted show that will appeal to anyone who enjoys action and police dramas. The show's production values are top-notch, and the acting is strong across the board. The show's creators have done an excellent job of creating a world that feels authentic and believable.

In conclusion, Bo en Acción! is a must-watch for anyone who enjoys action-packed police dramas. With its thrilling action sequences, strong emotional component, and excellent cast, the show is sure to keep viewers hooked from beginning to end. So if you're looking for your next binge-watch, look no further than Bo en Acción!

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Bo y el Castor Trabajador
10. Bo y el Castor Trabajador
September 19, 2007
¡El Castor Trabajador no para de construir! Para detenerlo, Bo debe caminar con suavidad para cruzar el puente de naipes, saltar entre los huecos de la pista de autos y darle al Castor Trabajador el arma autos interminable para que se entretenga.
Bo y el Rapta Cuadros
9. Bo y el Rapta Cuadros
September 18, 2007
¡El Rapta Cuadros se llevo todos los cuadros! Para recuperarlos, Bo debe aletear para levantar vuelo con plumas mágicas de emú, dar pasos cortos como una tortuga para cruzar la clase de pintura y darle al Rapta Cuadros el dibujo siempre cambiante.
Bo y la feria de juegos
8. Bo y la feria de juegos
September 17, 2007
¡Carinitos necesita un muneco para jugar! Para conseguirlo, Bo debe ir a la feria de juegos. Debe cruzar la barrera de osos polares, pasar por encima de los armadillos y hacer rodar el súper rodante bebe armadillo para ganar un muneco para Carinitos.
Bo y el Tintilin
7. Bo y el Tintilin
September 16, 2007
¡El Tintilin se llevo todas las campanillas! Para recuperarlas, Bo debe menearse como una medusa para sacudir las camas de los osos bebe, aplaudir para hacer ruido y asi hacer entrar a los loros al salon y darle al Tintilin la campana multi sonido.
Bo y el Melodimúsico
6. Bo y el Melodimúsico
September 15, 2007
¡El Melodimúsico se llevo todos los instrumentos musicales! Para recuperarlos, Bo debe pisar fuerte para marcar el ritmo con los pies, rebotar rápido de tecla en tecla en el organo gigante y darle al Melodimúsico el súper multi instrumento.
Bo y el Blocabeza
5. Bo y el Blocabeza
September 14, 2007
El Blocabeza se llevo las cosas con forma de cubo. Para recuperarlas, Bo debe dar pasos cortos y esquivar los bloques para reparar iglúes, trepar y pasar por encima del castillo del gran bebe y darle al Blocabeza la fábrica mágica de bloques.
Bo y el Megallanto
4. Bo y el Megallanto
September 13, 2007
El Megallanto llora todo el dia y deja charcos por todos lados. Para alegrarlo, Bo debe saltar como un canguro de paraguas en paraguas, dar pasos cortos como pingüino para evitar a los munecos de nieve y darle al Megallanto el eterno amigo de nieve.
Bo y el Narigoton
3. Bo y el Narigoton
September 12, 2007
¡El Narigoton se llevo las flores! Para recuperarlas, Bo debe deslizarse suavemente para cruzar la floreria del zorro, aletear para ayudar a los colibries a subir a su nido y darle al Narigoton el panuelo súper gigante para que pueda volver a oler.
Bo y el Chirritante
2. Bo y el Chirritante
September 11, 2007
El Chirritante está haciendo chirriar todo. Para detenerlo, Bo debe gatear sigilosamente para cruzar la barrera de perros dormidos, saltar para cruzar el tablero de damas y darle al Chirritante el unguento súper resbaloso para que deje de chirriar.
Bo y el Brillo Raptor
1. Bo y el Brillo Raptor
September 10, 2007
El Brillo Raptor se llevo todas las cosas brillantes. Para recuperarlas, Bo y Dezzy deben galopar como caballos para evitar a los osos panda, saltar como canguros para atrapar estrellas fugaces y darle al Brillo Raptor la súper fábrica de estrellas.
  • Premiere Date
    September 10, 2007