Watch Blade
- 1969
- 1 Season
Blade is an anime television series that tells a gripping story about a vampire hunter named Eric Brooks, also known as Blade. The show takes place in a world where vampires prey on innocent humans, and Blade hunts them down in his quest for revenge against the creatures who killed his mother and turned him into a half-vampire.
Maaya Sakamoto voices the character of Yōko, a skilled hacker who helps Blade in his mission to take down the vampires. Katsuyuki Konishi plays the role of Deacon Frost, the main antagonist, who seeks to take over the world by unleashing an ancient prophecy that will give the vampires ultimate power.
Megumi Toyoguchi voices Makoto, Blade's ally, and love interest. Houko Kuwashima plays the role of Vanessa, a vampire hunter who is close to Blade, but is secretly working for Frost. Sachiko Kojima voices Noah Van Helsing, a descendant of the Van Helsing family and one of Blade's allies.
Daisuke Sakaguchi voices the character of Kikyo Mikage, a former vampire who joins forces with Blade to stop Frost's plan. Akira Ishida plays the role of Scharf, a high-ranking vampire who serves Frost. Mai Nakahara voices the character of Carol, a young girl who becomes involved in Blade's mission.
Tetsu Inada plays the role of Edgar Frost, Deacon Frost's brother, and a member of the ruling council of vampires. Atsushi Imaruoka voices Marcus Van Sciver, Blade's former ally who becomes a vampire and joins forces with Frost. Kokoka Shuzen (CV: Chiwa Saito) voices the character of Meisuke Kuramitsu, a vampire who is loyal to Frost.
Hinako Sasaki plays the role of Haruka, a young girl who becomes Blade's protégé. Yuuichi Ishigami voices the character of Hikaru, Haruka's older brother, who becomes a vampire and is killed by Blade. Nazuka Kaori plays the role of Shen, an Asian vampire who is loyal to Frost.
Mayuko Omimura voices the character of Alice, a young girl who becomes involved in Blade's mission. Natsuki Mori plays the role of Lilly, a close friend of Alice who is also drawn into Blade's world.
Blade is an action-packed series that centers around the character of Blade and his battle against the vampires who threaten humanity. The show is full of action sequences and intense fight scenes, with plenty of blood and gore. At the same time, it explores complex themes such as revenge, redemption, and the nature of humanity.
The characters in the show are well-developed, each with their unique backstory and motivations. Maaya Sakamoto's Yōko is a fan-favorite, with her sarcastic wit and tech-savvy skills. Katsuyuki Konishi's Deacon Frost is a formidable opponent, with his cold, calculating demeanor and obsession with power.
Blade has an excellent voice cast, with talented actors bringing life to the characters. The animation is also top-notch, with detailed fight scenes and stunning visuals that immerse viewers in the world of Blade.
Overall, Blade is a must-see for fans of the vampire genre and action anime. The show is a thrilling ride that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. With its engaging characters, intense action, and compelling story, Blade is a true gem in the world of anime.
Blade is a series that ran for 1 seasons (13 episodes) between December 31, 1969 and on G4