In this animated series, a young man becomes a superhero after the assassination of his father, the leader of the African nation of Wakanda and the previous incarnation of the Black Panther. While trying to track down the people responsible for his father's death, the new Black Panther also finds himself fighting a wide variety of evildoers. The series aired on Australia's ABC3 network in 2010 and on the BET cable network in 2011 in the United States.
Black Panther is a series that ran for 1 seasons (12 episodes) between January 16, 2010 and on ABC3
CastKerry WashingtonKerry WashingtonDjimon HounsouAlfre WoodardStephen Stanton
Premiere DateJanuary 16, 2010
IMDB Rating7.1 (1,774)
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