Watch Black Lagoon
- 2002
- 3 Seasons
7.9 (18,771)
Black Lagoon is a Japanese anime television series that premiered in 2006. The show follows the story of Rokurou Okajima, a businessman who is kidnapped by a group of modern-day pirates called Black Lagoon. Rokurou is forced to join the group and abandon his old life, as he becomes a part of their dangerous and illegal missions.
The anime is based on the manga series of the same name by Rei Hiroe, and it is directed by Sunao Katabuchi. It stars Brian Drummond as Rokurou Okajima, Hiroaki Hirata as Benny, Kiyoyuki Yanada as Dutch, Houko Kuwashima as Revy, Omi Minami as Yukio Washimine, Tsutomu Isobe as Chang, and Maryke Hendrikse as Gretel.
The show takes place in a fictional city called Roanapur, located in Thailand. Roanapur is a dangerous and lawless place, filled with gangs, smugglers, and corrupt officials. The plot revolves around Black Lagoon's various illegal activities, as they navigate the treacherous underworld of Roanapur in search of wealth and power.
The main character of the show is Rokurou Okajima, a young Japanese businessman who is working for a company called Asahi Industries. Rokurou is initially a timid and obedient employee, but his life takes a drastic turn when he is kidnapped by Black Lagoon during a business trip.
Rokurou soon realizes that he is at the mercy of the ruthless pirates, and he has no choice but to join them in order to survive. The rest of the Black Lagoon crew consists of Dutch, the leader of the group, Benny, the computer expert, and Revy, the gun-toting femme fatale.
As Rokurou becomes a part of the group, he learns to adapt to their ways and becomes a skilled fighter and strategist. He also forms a bond with the other members of the group, especially Revy, who becomes his closest ally and confidante.
The show is known for its gritty and violent portrayal of the criminal underworld, as well as its complex characters and plot. The series deals with themes such as redemption, loyalty, and the cost of violence, as the characters struggle to survive in a world where violence is often the only means of survival.
One of the strongest aspects of the show is its character development, as each member of the Black Lagoon crew has a unique backstory and motivation. The series also introduces various other characters throughout its run, including rival crime bosses, government agents, and hired assassins.
Another standout feature of the show is its animation and action sequences. The fight scenes are fast-paced and intense, and the animation is fluid and dynamic. The series also features a great soundtrack, with an eclectic mix of rock, jazz, and electronic music.
Overall, Black Lagoon is a thrilling and engaging anime series that is sure to appeal to fans of action, crime dramas, and complex characters. Its combination of violence, humor, and heart make it a standout entry in the genre.
Black Lagoon is a series that ran for 3 seasons (29 episodes) between April 19, 2002 and on