Biography: Ben & Jerry

Watch Biography: Ben & Jerry

  • 2024
  • 1 Season

Ben & Jerry is an American television show produced by the Biography Channel that explores the fascinating and heartwarming story of the iconic ice cream duo, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield. Through in-depth interviews with the founders, their family members, and other key stakeholders, the show reveals the challenges, triumphs, and personal stories that led to the creation of one of the most successful and beloved ice cream brands in the world.

The show begins with an overview of Ben and Jerry's humble origins in a renovated gas station in Burlington, Vermont, back in 1967. We learn how Ben and Jerry, two best friends with no experience in business or food production, stumbled upon the idea of making ice cream after taking a $5 correspondence course in ice cream making. The show then dives into the ups and downs of their early years, including their struggles to secure a loan for their first scoop shop, and how they leveraged creative marketing tactics, such as free cone day, to build a loyal following.

One of the most intriguing aspects of the show is how it provides a glimpse into the personal lives of Ben and Jerry. We get to learn about their childhoods, their friendship, and values that guide their business decisions, such as a commitment to social justice and environmental sustainability. We also see how their personalities complement each other, with Ben being the creative visionary and Jerry being the financial and logistical mastermind. The show also features interviews with their families and friends, who shed light on how the duo's values and ethics were shaped by their upbringing.

As the company begins to grow and expand, the show explores the challenges Ben and Jerry faced in balancing their personal and business lives. We see how the duo faced resistance from their board of directors when they refused to cut corners on their iconic ingredients or compromise their values for profit. Ultimately, the show conveys how Ben and Jerry's commitment to social responsibility, quality ingredients, and unique flavors has fueled their success and differentiated their brand in a competitive industry.

The show also dives into Ben and Jerry's philanthropic efforts, such as the establishment of the Ben & Jerry's Foundation and their activism around issues like climate change, economic inequality, and racial justice. The show highlights how these values have continued to shape the company's identity, even after Ben and Jerry stepped down from the day-to-day operations.

Overall, Ben & Jerry is a compelling and inspiring story of two friends who turned a passion for ice cream and social justice into a global brand and a force for good in the world. The show skillfully balances personal anecdotes with business insights, providing an in-depth look at the values and strategies behind one of the most successful American brands. Whether you're a fan of the ice cream or interested in entrepreneurship and social responsibility, this show is a must-watch.

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Biography: Ben & Jerry
1. Biography: Ben & Jerry
Childhood friends Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield set up their own ice cream business in 1977. Learn how they turned their small operation into a major moneymaker.
  • Premiere Date
    September 7, 2024