Watch Binge
- 2015
- 1 Season
Binge is a documentary series created by CNBC that premiered in 2017. The show is directed and produced by CNBC's correspondent Carl Quintanilla, who explores the rising trend of binge-watching and its impact on the entertainment industry. The series features six hour-long episodes, each of which delves into a different aspect of the phenomenon of binge-watching, from the psychological motivations behind it to its impact on the content produced by streaming platforms.
In the first episode, titled "The Binge Factory," Quintanilla examines the economic forces driving binge-watching culture. He interviews industry experts and analyzes data to show how streaming services like Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu have transformed the way we consume media. He also explores how these changes have affected traditional media companies, such as cable networks and movie studios.
The second episode, "Hooked," explores the psychology behind binge-watching and why certain shows are more addictive than others. Quintanilla interviews psychologists and neuroscientists to explain why we feel compelled to keep watching, often even when we are exhausted or have other responsibilities to attend to.
In the third episode, "Addicted," Quintanilla turns to the darker side of binge-watching, exploring how it can become a harmful addiction for some people. He interviews individuals who have struggled with binge-watching and examines the ways the industry capitalizes on these addictive tendencies.
The fourth episode, "The Battle for Your Screen," investigates the competition between streaming services and traditional cable networks for our attention and loyalty. Quintanilla visits the set of popular shows like Empire and The Walking Dead to explore how the two types of media are differentiating themselves to viewers.
In the fifth episode, "The New Network," Quintanilla explores the impact of streaming services on the production and distribution of content. He looks at how shows are being created specifically for binge-watching and how this new model challenges traditional TV networks. He also examines how streaming services are changing the way content is marketed and distributed.
The final episode, "The Future of Binge," takes a more speculative approach, looking at how technology may impact the future of binge-watching. Quintanilla explores the potential of virtual reality and other new platforms to change the way we consume media and engage with entertainment.
Overall, Binge is a thoughtful and well-researched examination of a cultural phenomenon that has taken the world by storm. The series is engaging and informative, offering a wide-ranging exploration of the impact of binge-watching on our lives, our society, and the entertainment industry. Whether you are an avid binge-watcher or simply curious about the trend, there is something for everyone in this insightful series.