Watch Big Mouth
- 2017
- 7 Seasons
7.8 (91,709)
Big Mouth is an American sitcom animated series that premiered on Netflix in 2017. The show's creators include Nick Kroll, Andrew Goldberg, Mark Levin, and Jennifer Flackett. The series revolves around a group of middle schoolers and their struggles with puberty. The show is known for its explicit content and humor that is both crude and relatable.
The show's main characters are Nick Birch (voiced by Nick Kroll), Andrew Glouberman (John Mulaney), and Jessi Glaser (Jessi Klein). Nick is an insecure prepubescent boy who struggles with his changing body and emotions. Andrew is Nick's best friend and is more comfortable exploring his sexuality. Jessi is a sarcastic and confident girl who is dealing with the end of her parents' marriage. The show also features other characters such as Missy (Jenny Slate), a quiet and reserved girl, and Jay (Jason Mantzoukas), a hypersexualized and vulgar student.
The show's themes revolve around puberty, sex education, and the awkwardness of adolescence. The show is not afraid to tackle hard-hitting topics such as sexual harassment, depression, and anxiety. Despite the show being set in middle school, the content may not be suitable for younger audiences.
Big Mouth's animation style is reminiscent of classic cartoons from the 90s, with bright colors and exaggerated characters. The show's humor is both immature and clever, making it an enjoyable watch for both teens and adults. The show's soundtrack features popular songs from the 70s and 80s, emphasizing the show's nostalgia for simpler times.
Critics applauded the show's honest and relatable portrayal of puberty, with The New Yorker describing it as "raunchily endearing." The show's vocal performances are also highly praised, with Kroll and Mulaney's chemistry being a standout. Despite its initially polarizing content, the show's popularity quickly picked up, leading to numerous seasons.
In conclusion, Big Mouth is a unique and often uncomfortable show that tackles the awkwardness of adolescence with humor and honesty. It may not be suitable for younger audiences, but for those who can appreciate the show's often cringe-worthy humor, it is a must-watch. With several seasons available, there's no better time to Watch Big Mouth Online and join in on the awkwardness.
Big Mouth is a series that ran for 7 seasons (78 episodes) between September 29, 2017 and on Netflix