Beyond Scared Straight Season 5 Episode 8

Ep 8. Dougherty County, GA

  • TV14
  • November 21, 2013
  • 42 min
  •   (8)

Beyond Scared Straight season 5 episode 8 takes us to Dougherty County, GA, where we witness a team of law enforcement officials and inmates of the Dougherty County Jail attempting to steer a group of troubled teens away from a life of crime.

The episode begins with the teens being picked up from their homes and taken to the jail, where they are greeted by the inmates. The teens are visibly shaken by the experience of being locked up and surrounded by inmates who have committed serious crimes. The inmates give them a taste of what prison life is like, yelling at them, making them do push-ups, and generally intimidating them.

The inmates try to impart some wisdom to the teens, telling them that prison is not a place they want to end up in. They share stories of their own mistakes and the consequences they have faced as a result. The teens listen intently, but some seem more receptive than others.

Next, the teens meet with a group of law enforcement officials who try to make the teens understand the serious consequences of their actions. The officials show the teens videos of the kinds of crimes that are committed in Dougherty County and the punishments that are handed down. They explain that every crime has a victim and that the teens could end up ruining someone's life if they make the wrong choices.

Finally, the teens are taken to the courthouse where they meet with a judge who gives them a stern warning about the path they are headed down. The judge tells the teens that they are at a critical crossroads in their lives and that they need to make the right choices if they want to avoid ending up in jail.

Throughout the episode, we see some of the teens beginning to understand the gravity of their situation, while others seem less affected by the experience. We also meet some of the parents of the teens who are struggling to keep their children on the right path.

Overall, Beyond Scared Straight season 5 episode 8 is a powerful reminder of the consequences of our actions. It shows us that there are people out there who care about the well-being of troubled teens and who are willing to do what it takes to help them turn their lives around. Whether or not the teens in this episode will make the right choices remains to be seen, but the experience of being taken into the jail and meeting with law enforcement officials and a judge will no doubt stay with them for a long time.

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  • First Aired
    November 21, 2013
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    42 min
  • Language