Beyond Scared Straight Season 5 Episode 14

Ep 14. Fulton County, GA: "Blood Orange"

  • TV-14
  • July 31, 2014
  • 41 min
  •   (11)

Beyond Scared Straight is a reality TV show that follows a group of at-risk youth as they visit correctional facilities to experience life behind bars in an effort to scare them straight. In season 5 episode 14, titled "Fulton County, GA: Blood Orange", the show takes us to Atlanta, Georgia, where we witness teenagers in a 90-day juvenile detention program face the harsh realities of prison life.

The episode begins with the teens arriving at the Fulton County jail. They are greeted by a group of inmates who have been chosen to mentor the kids for the day. The inmates are all convicted murderers, and they waste no time in putting the teens through their paces. They bark orders at them, force them to do push-ups and squats, and generally intimidate them into submission.

The first stop on the tour is the intake area. The inmates explain that this is where new inmates are processed into the system, and it's often a rough introduction to prison life. The teens watch in horror as they see other kids being strip-searched and forced to change into prison jumpsuits. They also witness the degrading process of being fingerprinted and swabbed for DNA.

Next, the group heads to the recreation yard. This is where inmates are given an hour of exercise each day. However, as the kids soon discover, this often leads to fights and violence, as tensions run high in a confined space. The inmates demonstrate how easy it is to get caught up in gang activity and how quickly a fight can escalate.

The teens then visit the cell blocks, where they get a glimpse of what living conditions are like in prison. They see the cramped and dirty cells, complete with a metal toilet and a bare concrete floor. The inmates tell them that they only get an hour of free time per day, and they are constantly surrounded by other prisoners, making it impossible to relax or find any privacy.

The climax of the episode is when the kids are introduced to a group of inmates who are on death row. These are men who have been convicted of some of the most heinous crimes imaginable, and the kids are visibly shaken as they stand face to face with them. The inmates talk openly about their experiences and the terrible mistakes they made that led them to their current situation. They plead with the teens not to follow in their footsteps and to turn their lives around before it's too late.

Throughout the episode, the teenagers are visibly scared, shocked, and overwhelmed by what they are seeing and hearing. The show does an excellent job of portraying the harsh realities of prison life while still remaining appropriate for television. By the end of the episode, many of the kids have had a sudden change of heart and vow to make better choices in their lives.

Overall, "Fulton County, GA: Blood Orange" is a powerful and emotional episode of Beyond Scared Straight. It highlights the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and making positive choices, even in the face of adverse circumstances. While it's not an easy watch, it is an essential one for anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of life behind bars.

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  • First Aired
    July 31, 2014
  • Content Rating
  • Runtime
    41 min
  • Language