Ep 8. Hampton Roads, VA: Girls Fight Back
- TV14
- August 1, 2013
- 42 min
In Beyond Scared Straight season 4 episode 8, titled "Hampton Roads, VA: Girls Fight Back," viewers are taken inside the Portsmouth Sheriff's Office in Virginia, where a group of teenage girls is about to embark on a journey that they will never forget. These girls have been labeled as at-risk youth, with many of them engaging in dangerous behavior such as fights, drug use, and theft. The sheriff's office has brought in a group of hardened criminals to try and scare these girls straight, hoping that they will turn their lives around before it's too late.
As the episode begins, we are introduced to the group of girls who will be participating in the program. They are all tough and street-smart, with many of them sporting tattoos and piercings. Some of them claim they aren't afraid of anything, while others are skeptical about whether the program will have any impact on their lives. It's clear from the beginning that the girls have a chip on their shoulder and are not easily intimidated.
The first part of the program involves the girls being put through a series of physical challenges. They are made to do push-ups, sit-ups, and other exercises, all while being yelled at by the guards. It's clear that the girls are struggling, but they refuse to give up. The guards keep pushing them harder and harder, hoping to break them down and show them that they are not as tough as they think they are.
Next, the girls are taken to the jail cells, where they are introduced to a group of female inmates. The inmates have been specially selected for their ability to intimidate and scare people, and they do not disappoint. They start by telling the girls their own stories, explaining how they ended up in jail and what their lives have been like since then. The girls are shocked to hear about the brutal violence and abuse that these women have faced, and they start to realize that they don't want to end up like them.
The real turning point comes when the girls are brought face to face with a group of female prisoners who are particularly notorious for their fighting skills. The prisoners challenge the girls to a series of physical battles, with the girls being forced to fight back using only their fists and their wits. It's a brutal scene, with the girls getting knocked down and beaten, but they refuse to give up. In the end, they are able to hold their own against the inmates, and they emerge from the experience with a newfound respect for the power of physical strength.
Throughout the episode, there are moments of intense emotion and real vulnerability from the girls. They talk about their families, their dreams for the future, and their fears about ending up on the wrong side of the law. They also express gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the program, and many of them vow to turn their lives around and make positive changes.
In the end, the girls are given a chance to speak with a counselor, who helps them process their experiences and think about what they've learned. It's clear that the program has had a profound impact on them, and they leave the jail with a newfound respect for the power of discipline and self-control. Whether or not this will be enough to keep them on the straight and narrow remains to be seen, but for now, they have been given a glimpse of the harsh reality of prison life and the consequences of making the wrong choices.