Beyond Politics

Watch Beyond Politics

  • 2008
  • 1 Season

Beyond Politics is an informative and engaging television show that aired on Plum TV. The program covers a wide range of political issues, with a focus on policies, strategies, and other topics that impact the lives of everyday people. The show provides a unique perspective on politics, with a well-informed host and insightful guests providing in-depth discussions on various subjects. The show is a great way for viewers to stay informed about the latest political news and trends, as well as providing thought-provoking commentary on issues that affect the political landscape.

One of the key strengths of Beyond Politics is its approach to news and current events. Unlike many other political shows that focus solely on the headlines of the day, Beyond Politics delves deeper into the underlying issues that are driving the news. For example, rather than just talking about the latest political drama, the show may discuss the impact of a specific policy, or explore the historical context of a particular issue. This approach allows viewers to gain a more comprehensive understanding of how politics works and how it affects their lives.

Another strength of Beyond Politics is the quality of its guests. The show often features experts, academics, and other thought leaders who can provide unique insights and perspectives on political issues. Whether discussing healthcare policy or outlining foreign relations strategies, the guests on the show are well-versed in their respective fields and are able to explain complex ideas in a clear and accessible way. This makes the show not only informative but also engaging and interesting to watch.

One aspect of Beyond Politics that sets it apart from other political shows is its commitment to diversity and inclusion. The show often features guests from a wide range of backgrounds and perspectives, including people of color, women, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. This diversity adds richness and depth to the discussions, providing a platform for a wide range of perspectives and opinions. The show is also committed to promoting civil discourse, allowing guests to share their views and engage in respectful debate without resorting to name-calling or other divisive tactics.

Overall, Beyond Politics is an excellent political show that provides viewers with a thoughtful and insightful look at the issues that affect our world. With its well-informed host, knowledgeable guests, and commitment to diversity and civil discourse, the show is a must-watch for anyone interested in politics or current events. Whether you're a seasoned political junkie or just starting to pay attention to the news, you're sure to learn something new and thought-provoking from Beyond Politics.

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Newt Gingrich
8. Newt Gingrich
February 20, 2008
Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House and architect of the 1994 Republican takeover of Congress.
Jim McGreevey
7. Jim McGreevey
February 18, 2008
Former NJ Governor Jim McGreevey discusses politics, including gay rights, the presidential candidates, and campaign finance reform with host Stan Pottinger.
Justice Antonin Scalia
6. Justice Antonin Scalia
May 28, 2006
Stan Pottinger chats with Justice Antonin Scalia, the second most senior Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States.
Jonathan Klein
5. Jonathan Klein
June 23, 2006
A Beyond Politics interview by Stan Pottinger with Jonathan Klein, the president of CNN.
Richard Holbrooke
4. Richard Holbrooke
June 25, 2006
Interview by Stan Pottinger with American ambassador Richard Holbrooke. Richard Holbrooke has served as a U.S. ambassador to Germany and the United Nations.
Barney Frank
3. Barney Frank
June 11, 2006
Host Stan Pottinger with United States Congressman Barney Frank, a democrat from Massachusetts.
Doug Bailey
2. Doug Bailey
August 6, 2006
Doug Bailey, former Republican strategist and now co-founder of Unity '08, discusses his unorthodox movement, presidential elections, thrid party politics and state of Washington today.
Sen. Alan Simpson
1. Sen. Alan Simpson
September 15, 2008
A Beyond Politics Interview by Stan Pottinger with Alan Simpson, a former Republican U.S. Senator from Wyoming.
  • Premiere Date
    September 15, 2008