Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom Season 2 Episode 38

Ep 38. The Witch Competition

  • January 1, 1970

Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom season 2 episode 38 is called "The Witch Competition". In this episode, the young fairy and elf duo visit the Great Elf Tree to compete in the annual Witch Competition. Holly and her friends are very excited to participate in the event, but when they arrive, they see that there are many other witches already there.

The competition involves several challenges, such as carving pumpkins, making potions, and flying on broomsticks. The young witches must use all their skills to outdo the others and win the prize: a golden cauldron and a special potion.

Holly and her friends have a hard time in the first few challenges, but they don't give up. They use their creativity and teamwork to come up with unique solutions to the different challenges. Soon, they are leading the competition with their impressive skills and flawless execution.

However, things take a turn for the worse when Holly's nemesis, the Little Witch Lucy, shows up to compete. Lucy is known for her ruthless tactics and mean-spirited nature, and she is determined to win the competition at all costs.

As the competition heats up, the challenges become more difficult, and the tension between Holly and Lucy escalates. Will Holly and her friends be able to beat Lucy and win the golden cauldron and special potion? Or will Lucy's cunning and ambition lead her to victory?

"The Witch Competition" is a fun, engaging episode filled with magical challenges and charming characters. It showcases the importance of creativity, teamwork, and perseverance in achieving one's goals. Children of all ages will enjoy watching Holly and her friends as they navigate the ups and downs of the witch competition and learn valuable lessons along the way.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1970
  • Language