Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom Season 2 Episode 13

Ep 13. The Shooting Star

  • January 1, 1970

Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom is a children’s animated television series that follows the adventures of a young Fairy Princess named Holly and her best friend Ben, who is an elf. The show takes place in a magical world where the characters go on exciting adventures and learn important life lessons along the way.

In season 2 episode 13, titled "The Shooting Star," Holly and Ben are invited to an exciting event called the Shooting Star Show. The Shooting Star Show is an event that only happens once every year, where the characters get to see a shooting star up close. The show is held in a special tent, which is hidden deep in the Great Elf Tree.

Holly and Ben are thrilled to be invited to the Shooting Star Show and can't wait to see the shooting star. When they arrive at the Great Elf Tree, they meet up with some of their other friends, including Gaston the Ladybird, Nanny Plum the Wise Old Elf, and King Thistle, Holly's dad.

As they make their way to the tent, they encounter a problem. The path leading to the tent is blocked by a fallen tree. The characters try to find a way around the tree, but they can't seem to find a way through. Holly and Ben are disappointed because they really don't want to miss the Shooting Star Show.

However, Nanny Plum comes up with an idea that could save the day. She suggests that they use magic to move the tree out of the way. To do this, Nanny Plum uses her wand and casts a spell to make the tree move. With a flash of bright light, the tree moves out of the way, and the characters are able to continue on their journey.

As they make their way to the tent, the characters encounter some other obstacles, including a fast-flowing river, a thick fog, and a steep hill. However, they are able to overcome each obstacle by working together and using their skills.

Finally, they reach the tent where the Shooting Star Show is being held. The tent is filled with magical lights and glittering decorations. The characters take their seats and wait for the show to begin.

Soon, the lights dim, and a hush falls over the audience. Suddenly, the shooting star appears, streaking across the sky in a blaze of bright colors. Holly and Ben are amazed as they watch the shooting star twirl and dance. The other characters are equally enchanted, and they cheer and clap as the show comes to an end.

As the characters leave the tent and make their way back home, they reflect on the amazing adventure they had. They realize that by working together, they were able to overcome the obstacles and make it to the Shooting Star Show. They also learned that with a little bit of magic and a lot of determination, anything is possible.

In conclusion, "The Shooting Star" episode of Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom season 2 is an exciting and magical adventure that teaches children the importance of teamwork and never giving up. The characters encounter obstacles but overcome them with their perseverance and in the end, it's all worth it as they experience the beauty and wonder of the Shooting Star Show.

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  • First Aired
    January 1, 1970
  • Language